The Library of History

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Page 146 Horn, in which (the Poets feign) grow all manner of Summer-fruit, as Grapes, Apples, and such like. By the Horn they darkly signify the new Course of the River Achelous, bending like a Horn through the other Channel: By the Apples, Pomegranates and Grapes they denote the Fruitfulness of the Soyl water'd by the River and the Plenty of fruitful Plants. By terming it * Amalt 〈…〉 Horn they signify'd the Strength of him that cut the Ditch.

Afterwards Hercules assisted the Calydonians in the War against the Thes •rot., and took the City Ephyra by Storm, and slew their King Phileus; and lying with his Daughter, who was his Prisoner, on her he begat Tlepolemus. The Third Year after his Marriage to Deianira, Eurynomus the Son of Architelus (then a young Boy) serving Oeneus at Table, Hercules for some small Mistake in his Attendance gave him such a Box on the Ear (that much against his Will) he kill'd the poor Boy; for which Misfortune he was so griev'd, that with his Wife Deianira and Hyllus his Son by her who was then a young Child, he voluntarily banish'd himself out of Calydonia: In his Journey, when he came to the Banks of the River Euenus he found Nessus the Centaur, who carry'd People over the Ford for Hire. Deianira being the first that he carry'd over, the Centaur fell in Love with her for her Beauty, and attempted to ravish her, whereupon she cry'd out for Help to her Husband, who presently shot him through the Body with an Arrow. The Centaur through the Grievousness of his Wound dy'd in the very Act of his Rape, only had time to teil her that for the great Love he bore her he would teach her a Receipt for the procuring of Love by Force, whereof Hercules should never after be familiar with any other Woman besides her self, and that was, that she should anoint Hercules his under Garment with the Blood that issu'd from his Wound mixt together with Oyl and some of his Seed that fell from him; and having thus said he immediatly breath'd out his last.

Deianira observ'd what Directions he had given her, and mixing the Seed of Nessus with his Blood which dropt from the Arrow, kept it privately in a little Box for Hercules. Hercules having pass'd the River went to Ceyces, King of Trachinia, and dwelt with him as a Stranger, ever accompany'd with the Arcadians as his Fellow-soldiers and Associates.

After these things, Philas King of the Dryopi being accus'd for some Act of Impiety against the Temple of Delphos, Hercules with the Assistance of the Melienses took up Arms against him, and both kill'd him and cast the Dryopi out of their ancient Habitations, and gave their Country to the Melienses. On his Captive the Daughter of Philas he begat Antiochus. Besides Hyllus he had afterwards other Children by Deianira, Gryneus or Gleneus and Hodites. Some of the Dryopi that were driven out of their Country passed over to Eubaea, and there built the City Carystus: Others of them sayl'd into the Island Cyprus, and gain'd new Seats, and became one People with the Inhabitants; the rest fled to Eurystheus, who (in Hatred of Hercules) receiv'd them into his Protection, and they with his Assistance built three Cities in Peloponesus, Asine, Hermione and Eione.

After the Expulsion of the Dryopi, a War broke forth between the Doreans (which inhabited Hestiaetes in the Reign of Aegimius) and the Lapithae, the Inhabitants of Mount Olympus, whose King was Coronus the Son of Phoroneus.

But the Lapithae being much stronger than the other, the Doreans crav'd the Assistance of Hercules, and promis'd him the third Part of the Kingdom; upon which Terms they prevail'd with him to joyn with them as their Confederate. With their joint Forces therefore they set upon the Enemy, and Hercules by the Valour of the Arcadians (whom he ever had with him as his Assistants) routed them, and slew the King himself, and cutting off Multitudes of the Enemy, forc'd the Lapithae out of the Territory which they contested for.

This being thus effected, he gave up the third Part of the Country promis'd him to Aeginius, to be kept by him in Trust in Order to be restor'd to Hercules his Posterity. In his return to Trachinia, he kill'd Cygnus the Son of Mars, who challeng'd him to a Duel. And as he passed through the Country of the Pelasgi, from Itonus, he met with King Hormenius, and demanded his Daughter Astydamia in Marriage; but because Deianira was his lawful Wife before, he refus'd to give his Consent. Upon which he made War upon him, and both took the City and kill'd the King; and so possessing himself of Astydamia by Force of Arms, begat of her C •esippus. Afterwards he made a second Expedition against the Sons of

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books