The Library of History

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Page 155 their own malitious Contrivance, but that they were without any Fault of theirs led aside by the deceit of another: He promis'd them likewise, that their whole family should be civilly and honourably us'd. Having therefore call'd together a General Assembly, he excus'd what was done, and declar'd that he had dealt far more gently with the Authors of those Injuries than they deserv'd, and what he had done, was far short of what he and his had suffer'd. Then he plac'd Acastus the Eldest Son of Pelias upon his Father's Throne, and carry'd himself with all due respect to the King's Daughters; and in performance of what he had promis'd, it's said, he at length marry'd them to the greatest Persons of Quality.

Alcestis the Eldest he marry'd to Admetus the Thessalian the Son of Pheretes; Amphinome to Andraemon the Brother of Leonteus; and Eradne to Canas the Prince of Phocis, the Son of Cephalus. And these were the things afterwards done by Jason.

Then arriving with the rest of the Heroes in the Isthmos of Peloponesus, he there sacrific'd to Neptune, and dedicated the Ship Argo to that God. Having gain'd the special favour of Creon King of Corinth, he was made Free of the City, and ever after dwelt among the Corinthians.

When the Argonauts were preparing every one to return into his own Country, they say Hercules made this Proposal, that to obviate the unexpected Blasts and Frowns of Fortune, they should enter into an Oath mutually to assist each other, whenever any of them stood in need of help; and that they should pick out the most remarkable place in Greece for the celebrating of Sports, and a General and Solemn Meeting of all the Grecians, and that the Games should be celebrated in honour of Jupiter Olympus, the greatest of the Gods.

Upon which the Heroes enter'd into the Association propos'd, and left it to Hercules to institute the Games; who made choice of the Ground in the Territories of Elis, near to the River Alpheus, for the General and Solemn Meeting, and dedicated the Place to the chiefest of the Gods, from whom it was call'd Olympick. Having therefore appointed Horse-coursing, Wrestling, and other Oymnick Sports, and ordered their several Prizes and Rewards, he sent Messengers to all the Cities, to acquaint them with the institution of these Games. He was in no small Honour and Repute before, upon the account of his Expedition with the Argonauts: But this Institution of the Olympick Games much more advanc'd his praise; for he was so cry'd up amongst all the Grecians, and was so eminently famous in the esteem of most of the Cities, that many desir'd to enter into a League of Friendship with him, and to stand and fall with him in all Dangers whatsoever.

His Valour and Military Art was so admir'd by every Body, that he presently got together a vast Army, with which he went through the whole World, desiring to benefit all Mankind: Upon which account all unanimously agree that he has attain'd to a state of Immortality. But the Poets according to their prodigous way of relating matters, say, that Hercules himself alone, and without any Arms, perform'd all those famous Actions reported of him. But we have before given an Account of all those things that are fabulously related concerning this God: And now it remains that we should proceed with the History of Jason.

It's said that he and Medea, as Man and Wife, liv'd together Ten Years in Corinth, and of her begat first Two Twins, Thessalus and Alcimena, and a Third call'd Tisandrus, much younger than the other Two. During all this time, they say Medea was greatly belov'd of her Husband, being eminent not only for the excellency of her Beauty, but for her Prudence and other Virtuous Qualifications: But it's said, that when she grew old, and her Beauty began to decay, Jason fell in love with Glauces, the Daughter of Creon, and courted the young Lady to marry her. The Father agreed to the Match, and appointed a Day, but Jason they say, first apply'd himself to Medea, in order to persuade her to a voluntary Divorce; telling her, that he did not marry this other Lady out of any aversion or disgust to her, but that he might have Children to be Heirs to the Royal Family. Hereat the Woman storm'd, and appeal'd to the Gods for Revenge,

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books