The Library of History

Page 168

Page 168 He had a Son nam'd Erichthonius, a Prosperous and Wealthy Prince; of whom the Poet Homer writes thus—

〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 ,
〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 .
None richer was of all Men under th'Sun,
Whose brave Three Thousand Mares in th' Meads did run.

Tros was the Son of Erichthonius, and of him the People were nam'd Trojans; he had Three Sons, Ilus, Assaracus and Ganimede; Ilus built a noble City in the Champain Country of Troas, which he call'd Ilium; the Son of Ilus was Lao 〈…〉don, whose Sons were Tithonus and Priam: Tithonus led an Army into the Eastern Parts of Asia, and pierc'd as far as to Aethiopia, whence rose the Story of Memnon, being the Son of Aurora; which Memnon brought aid to the Trojans, and was kill'd by Achilles.

Priam marry'd Hecuba, and by her (besides many other Sons) had Hector, who was especially remarkable for his Valour in the Trojan War. Asaracus King of the Dardanians, had Capys his Son, the Father of Anchises, who of Venus begat Aeneas, a Famous Man among the Trojans. Ganymede lastly was extraordinary beautiful, and is reported to be caught up to Heaven by the Gods to be Jupiter's Cupbearer.

And now from these, we shall proceed to Daedalus and the Minotaur, and the Expedition of Minos into Sicily against King Cocalus.


Of Daedalus, and his Works in Crete, Sicily, and elsewhere. His Flight into Sicily: Minos invades Sicily; the manner of his Death there. The Famous Temple of the Curetes or Corybantes in Sicily, built by the Posterity of the Cretians that came there with Minos. The Pedigree of Aristeus; his Acts; his Son Acteon. of Eryx. Venus her Temple in Eryx in Sicily; the Fame of it. Of Daphnis the Shepherd. A Description of the Herean Mountains. Of Orion. Of the Streight of Messina.

DAedalus was an Athenian, of the Family of the Ericthidae; for he was the Son of Hymetion, the Son of Eupalamus, the Son of Erechtheus. He was extraordinary Ingenious, and very studious in the Art of Architecture, and was an excellent Statuary, and Engraver upon Stone, and improv'd those Arts with many notable Inventions. He made many wonderful Pieces of Work in several Parts of the World, and so far excell'd in the framing and cutting of Statues, that those that were long after him, report that the Statues he made, did resemble living Men even to the Life. For their Symmetry was so exact and perfect, that their Eyes, and frame of Motion, and the whole Composure of the Body, was a lively Representation of Living Creatures. For he was the first that in Statues exprest the direct and lively aspect of the Eyes, and the progressive Motion of the Legs and Thighs, and stretching forth of the Hands and Arms, and therefore was justly admir'd by all: For those Artists that were before him, fram'd their Images with blinking Eyes, Heads hanging down, as if they were glu'd to their sides. But though Daedalus was thus admir'd for his exquisite Skill in this Art, yet he was forc'd to fly his Country for a Murther committed upon the occasion following. Talus Daedalus his Sister's Son, being but a Young Boy, was at that time bred up with his Uncle, to learn his Trade. This Talus for Ingenuity excell'd his Master, and

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books