The Library of History

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Page 180 This fell out in the Fiftieth Olympiad, in which Epitilidas the Laconian was Victor. At which time likewise it happen'd, that Aegestanes and Selinuntes were at War one with another; in which War (joyning with the Selinuntines) in one Battel, they lost many of their Men, and among the rest, their General Pentathlus. The Selinuntines being thus routed, those of these Strangers that surviv'd, determin'd to return Home; to which purpose they chose Gorgus Thestores and Epitherides, of the Houshold of Pentathlus, to be their Captains, who sail'd through the Tyrrhene Sea, to Lipara, where they were kindly receiv'd, and easily perswaded to enter into a League with the Inhabitants, and dwell among them, who were then scarce Five Hundred that remain'd of those that came over with Aeolus.

Afterwards when the Tyrrhenians infested the Seas with their Pyracies, (being vext with their Incursions) they prepar'd a Fleet for their Defence; and divided themselves into several Parts, some to till the Ground, and others to guard the Seas against the Pirats.

Then injoying their Estates in Common, and feeding together in Societies, they continu'd for some time in this Community of Life. Afterwards they divided Lipara (wherein was situated the Metropolitan City) amongst themselves; the rest of the Islands they Till'd and improv'd for the use of them all in Common.

At last they divided all the Islands for the space of Twenty Years; and when that time was expir'd, they again made a Division by Lot. Afterwards they overcame the Tyrrhenians in many Sea-Fights, and devoted the Tenths of the best of their Spoils to the Oracle at Delphos.

It remains we should shew by what means the City of Lipara in succeeding Ages grew to that height of Wealth, that they were not only happy in themselves, but renown'd and glorious Abroad.

This City is beautify'd by Nature with very large and fair Harbours, and furnish'd with famous Baths; for they are not only Medicinal, but by reason of their singular Properties and Qualities, afford much Pleasure and Delight; and therefore many in Sicily that are taken with strange and unusual Diseases, pass over into this Island, and by washing themselves in the hot Baths, are restor'd presently to perfect Health, even to Admiration.

And the Island it self to this Day, abounds in that famous Mineral of Allom, which brings in a great Revenue both to the Liparians and the Romans; For being in no other part of the World, and so very useful, the Inhabitants (upon good Reason) have the sole vending of this Commodity, and by setting what rate they please upon it, they grow prodigiously rich. Only indeed in the Isle of Melos, there grows a sort of small Allom, but not sufficient to supply any considerable number of Cities. This Island of Lipara is not large, but reasonably well stor'd with Fruit, and abounds with every thing necessary for the Sustenance of Man's Life; for it plentifully supplies the Inhabitants with all sorts of Fish, and bears Fruit most delicious to the Taste. But this may suffice to be said of Lipara, and the rest of the Aeolid Islands.

Next to Lipara Westward, lies a small Island uninhabited, call'd (upon a remarkable Accident) Ostales. For at the time when the Carthaginians were ingag'd in great Wars with the Syracusians, they were furnish'd with considerable Forces both at Sea and Land; amongst whom were many Mercenaries out of several Countries, which were always a turbulent sort of Men, and commonly accustom'd to raise many horrid Mutinies in the Army, especially when they receiv'd not their Pay at the Day when it was due. Some therefore there were at that time (about the number of Six Thousand) according to their usual Insolency and rude Behaviour (not receiving their Pay) first got into a Body together, and then with rude Shouts and Clamours, assaulted their Commanders. And when for want of Money, they still delay'd to pay them, they threatned they would prosecute their Right against the Carthaginians with Force of Arms, and thereupon laid hold upon their Officers; and though they receiv'd a Check from the Senate for their unruliness, yet they were the more furious and outragious. Whereupon the Senate privately order'd the Colonels and Officers to put all the Mutineers to Death; upon which Orders, they forthwith got them all on Ship-board, and (under colour of some Military Service to be perform'd)

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books