The Library of History

Page 208

Page 208 At length, all that fought with the Gods were every one cut off, and destroy'd: But he was afterwards ingag'd in a new War against the Giants at Pallene in Macedonia, and anciently in the Plains of Italy, call'd Phlegraei, from the Conflagration the Country once suffer'd, but now call'd Cumaei.

The reason why Jupiter destroy'd the Giants, was their Violence and Oppression, making use of their strength and massy Bodies to inflave their Neighbours; and for that they were lawless, and not to be kept within any bounds of Justice, made War upon them; who for their doing good, and being beneficial to Mankind, were reputed for Gods by all People whatsoever. And he not only rooted up the Wicked and Impious, but rewarded the best of the Gods, Heroes and Men, with due Honours according to their several Deserts. The great Authority therefore and good Deeds of Jupiter were such, that to him was attributed an eternal Habitation and Kingdom in Olympus. And more splendid Sacrifices by his Command are offered to him than to any of the other Gods; and since his passing from Earth to Heaven, a strong Perswasion is sixt in the Hearts of all those he was kind unto, that he has the Command and Government of all that's done in Heaven; and is supream Lord of Storms, Thunder and Lightning; and therefore they call him Zena, because he seem'd to be the Preserver of Mens lives, by affording fruitful Seasons to ripen the Fruits of the Earth. They call him likewise Father, not only upon the account of his 〈…〉 e and Kindness to all Mankind, but likewise for that it's generally believ'd all Men were originally his Offspring.

He's call'd likewise the Supream King, by reason of the Majesty and Excellency of his Kingdom; and moreover Eubuleus and † Metietes, by reason of his Wisdom and Prudence in Counsel.

It's said also, that Minerva was the Daughter of Jupiter, born in Crete, at the Spring-heads of the River Triton, and therefore she was call'd Tritogenea; and now at this Day there stands a little Chappel dedicated to this Goddess at the Place where she's said to have been born. They say likewise, that the Marriage of Juno and Jupiter was solemniz'd in the Country of the Gnosians, near the River Therone, where there's now a Temple, in which the Priests offer an anniversary Sacrifice and Festival with great Devotion, imitating the Nuptial Rites according as by Tradition they have receiv'd them.

The Daughters of Jupiter, it's said, were the Goddesses, Venus, the Graces, Lucina and her Servant Diana, together with those call'd Horae, that is to say, Eunomia, Dica, and Irene.

The Gods he begot; were Vulcan, Mars, Apollo and Mercury: To every one of these (they say) Jupiter imparted the knowledge of things invented and perfected by himself, and attributed the honour of the Invention to them, desirous to perpetuate their Memories, and advance their Reputation and eternal Praise amongst all Men.

To Venus he committed the care of the mature Age of Virgins; at which time they ought to Marry, and the oversight of other things us'd at Nuptials, together with Sacrifices and Drink-offerings, which are solemnly offer'd to this Goddess; but all first Sacrifice to Jupiter the Perfector, and to Juno the Perfectris, because they are the Authors and Inventors of all, as a little before we have declar'd.

To the Graces was given power to beautify the Face, and to give a Comely Shape and Proportion to all the Members of the Body, and to do good where-ever they pleas'd, and to cause the Persons to be grateful and thankful for what they receiv'd.

To Lucina he committed the care of them that were in Travel and Child-bearing, and easing of them in their Pains; and therefore Women in these hazards chiefly at that time, call'd upon her for help and assistance.

Diana shew'd the way how to nurse up little Infants, and to provide Food for them suitable to their tender Age; upon which account she was call'd the Childrens Nurse.

To every one of the Horae, is allotted an Office agreeable to their several Names, to the great advantage of Mankind, for the Government of themselves in the Course of their Lives. For there's no greater blessedness in this Life, than Good Laws, Peace and Justice.

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books