The Library of History

Page 248

Page 248 The next day they set up a Trophy near the place, and sail'd back to Cyprus, fraught with two glorious Victories, the one at Sea, and the other at Land. For it was never before known, that such great Things both by Sea and Land were ever done by one and the same Army. From this time Cymon for the great Atchievments he had bravely and wisely perform'd, both by his Valour and Policy, was highly advanc'd in Reputation, not only amongst his Fellow-Citizens, but all the rest of the Grecians: For he took Three hundred and forty Ships, Twenty thousand Prisoners, and a vast Sum of Money. The Persians greatly perplexed with this dreadful Blow, fell a Building a greater Number of Ships than they had before; for the great Successes of the Athenians after this struck them with Fear and Terror; and from this time, the City increas'd both in Wealth and Power, and became famous abroad for the Glory of their Arms. The Athenians dedicated the Tenths of the Spoil to their Gods, with this Epigram;

Since Seas from Europe, Asia did divide,
And Mars first rag'd with bloody Hand,
Among Mankind the Sun hath not espy'd
So sad a Fight from Sea or Land.
From the Phenician Fleet when strongly man'd,
An Hundred Ships were took, these slew
Thousands of Medes, made Asia sighing stand
Sad, and oppress'd with th' Armed Crew.

These were the things done this Year.


A great Earthquake in Sparta; the War upon them by the Helots and Missenians.

PHedon was now Archon of Athens, and Lucius Furius Medullinus and Marcus Manlius Vulso Consuls of Rome, when a most sad and unexpected Calamity happened to the Spartans; for by an Earthquake there, not only the Houses were wholly overturn'd, but above Twenty thousand Souls buried in the Rubbish. The City shak'd for a long time together, and many by the violent Fall of the Walls of the Houses miserably perished; and the Houshold-goods and Riches of all sorts were by this dreadful Shake swallow'd up.

Thus were they punished as by some angry Deity taking Vengeance upon their Crimes. And were afterwards brought under many other Calamities, by the Hands of Men upon the Accounts following.

The Helots and Missenians (inraged not long before against the Lacedemonians) bridled their Anger for a time, whilst they fear'd the Power and Grandeur of the City of Sparta. But when they observ'd that the greatest part of the City and Inhabitants were destroyed by the late Earthquake (setting light by them that were left) they enter'd into a League, and with joint Force made War upon the Spartans. But Archidamus King of Sparta by his Prudence had preserv'd many of the Citizens from the late Ruin, and with these resolutely goes forth against the Enemy. For while the City was in the height of this terrible Convulsion, Archidamus suddenly headed his Army, and hasten'd into the open Field, and commanded the rest to follow him; by which means this remnant was preserv'd. Having then marshal'd his Men, he prepared for Battle.

The Helots with the Missenians in their first Heat, with great Confidence march'd against Sparta, supposing there was none to make any Defence. But when they understood that Archidamus was ready with the Citizens that were left, to defend the City and Country, they desisted from their Design. Afterwards from a Fort they had in Missenia they made daily inrodes into Laconia.

The Spartans send to the Athenians for Aid, who furnish'd them with Supplies: And at length, by their Diligence in procuring Assistance from the rest

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books