The Library of History

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Page 254 the Persians that was plac'd against them, and killing and destroying many of them, the rest of the Barbarians fled, and in the pursuit, most of the Army was cut off, and the rest fled to a place call'd the White Wall. The Athenians by whose Valour the Victory was obtain'd, follow'd close after them to the place, and Besieged it. But Artaxerxes having intelligence of the Overthrow of his Army, sent some he could most confide in, to the Lacedemonians, with a great Sum of Money, to induce the Spartans to make War upon the Athenians, thinking by that means to force them back, for the necessary defence of their own Country. But the Lacedemonians would neither accept of the Money, nor hearken to any other Proposals of the Persians. Being thus without hopes of Aid from the Lacedemonians, Artaxerxes prepar'd a new Army, and made Artabazus and Megabysus, both very Valiant Men, Generals, and sent them against the Egyptians.


The Persians Expedition into Aegypt. Wars in Sicily.

AT Athens, Euippas was Archon, and Quintus Servilius and Spurius PosthumusAlbus, Consuls at Rome. At which time Artabasus and Megabyzus appointed Generals for the Aegyptian War, marched away for Aegypt with above Three hundred thousand Horse and Foot. When they came to Cilicia and Phenicia, they refresh'd the Army, and commanded the Cyprians, Phenicians and Cilicians to set forth a Fleet, who furnished out Three hundred Sail fitted both with Men, Provisions and all other things convenient and necessary for a Sea-Fight. In Preparations for the War, training of the Souldiers, and imploying themselves in other Acts of Military Discipline, they spent almost a whole Year. The Athenians in the mean time closely besieg'd the Persians at the White Wall, which was valiantly defended and not likely to be taken after a Years Siege. In Sicily the Syracusians at War with the before-named Revolters daily assaulted Acridina with the adjoyning Island; and tho' they overcame the Rebels at Sea, yet they could not drive them out of the City, they were so fortify'd. But afterwards when both Armies were drawn out into the open Field, the Fight being obstinate, many were killed on both sides, but the Victory was at length gain'd by the Syracusians. After the Battle the Syracusians crown'd Six hundred Men who were most active in the Fight, and gave to every one a * Mina in Money, as a Reward of his Valour. During these Combustions, Deucetius General of the Sicilians, began a War against the Inhabitants of Catana, for withholding the Lands of the Sicilians, in which the Syracusians likewise ingaged against Catana.

The Cataneans had these Lands divided to them by Lot, when they were first plac'd a Colony there by Hiero the late King. And therefore defended their Right with all the Force and Power they could. But being overcome in several Battles, they were forced at length to leave Catana, and possessed themselves of the City Etna, formerly call'd Eunetia; and the ancient Inhabitants of Catana after a long time of Banishment, return'd to their own Country, and former Habitations. After this, all others that were driven out of their own proper Cities in the times of Hiero, with the Assistance of their Neighbours, were forthwith restored, and the Usurpers were every where ejected, as the Gelones, Acragentines and Himereans. The Rhegians and Zancleans likewise threw off the regal Power of the Sons of Anaxilas, and asserted the Liberty of their Country. After this the Gelones seating themselves at Camerina, again divided the Land by Lots. At length almost all the Cities determining to root up all those they took for their Enemies, confederated together (by virtue of a public Edict) against all the Foreigners, and restored those that had been banished, to their ancient Cities; transplanting all the Strangers (that had before usurped) to Messena. In this manner all the Seditions and Tumults through the Cities of Sicily were appeased,

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books