The Library of History

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Page 273 the City. Amongst the Conditions it was further added, That the Tribunes of the People, at the end of every Year, should appoint as many new ones in their room to succeed, and if they did neglect it, they should be burnt alive. And though the Tribunes could not agree in their Choice, yet they should continue still in their Offices in the mean time. And this was the end of the great Commotion at Rome.

Diphilus being Archon of Athens, the Romans created Marcüs Horatius, and Lucius Valerius Potitus Consuls, who perfected the Laws which suffered an irruption by the Sedition. For there were then Ten of the Twelve Tables (as they were call'd) only finished, the other Two were added by these Consuls. The Roman Laws thus perfected, the Consuls ordered them to be engraven upon Twelve Tables of Brass, and fix'd them to the Pleaders Desk in the face of the Court. And these Laws thus written briefly and plainly without any flourish of Words remain unto this Day.

About the time these things were done, most Nations through the World were at Peace; for the Persians made a double League with the Grecians, and with the Athenians and their Confederates, whereby Liberty was restor'd to all the Greek Cities of Asia. The other afterwards was with the Lacedemonians, by which it was agreed quite contrary, that the Greek Cities in Asia, should remain under the power of the Persians. In like manner, the Grecians were at Peace among themselves, the Athenians and Spartans having entred into a League for Thirty Years. And all was likewise quiet in Sicily, the Carthaginians having made Peace with Gelon, and all the Grecian Cities submitted to them of Syracuse. And the Agrigentines after the Slaughter at Himera, accepted of Terms of Peace. And all the People of Italy, France, Spain, and most Parts of the World, were at perfect Concord one with another. Therefore we have no account in History of any thing memorable done in War during this time; but all were every where at rest, solacing themselves with Sports and Sacred Festivals, and other Jollities, the common Attendants of a prosperous State and Condition.


The War between the Samians and the Melesians. A Sedition in Samos, which revolts from the Athenians. The War in Sicily by the Syracusians against the Trinacrians.

TImocles was now chief Governour of Athens, and Larius Herminius, and Titus Virginius Tricostus, Roman Consuls. In their time the Samians break forth into War against the Milesians concerning Priene; and discerning the Athenians more to favour the Milesians, they revolted from them. Hereupon the Athenians sent Pericles (made Admiral some time before) with Forty Sail against the Samians, who approached their City, easily reduced it, and there established a Democracy. And having impos'd a Mulct of Eighty Talents upon them, and receiv'd as many Youths for Hostages, he committed them to the care and custody of the Lemnians; and so having in a short time finish'd with good success all for which he was sent, he return'd to Athens.

After this, a grievous Sedition happen'd in Samos, some being for the Democracy, others endeavouring to set up an Aristocracy, whereby the City was in a mighty popular Tumult. They who were against the Democracy went over to Sardis in Asia to Pissuthines the Persian Governor to desire aid, who lends them Seven Hundred Soldiers, hoping by this means to bring Samos under his power. The Samians with this aid, loosing from Asia in the Night, stole secretly upon

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