The Library of History

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Page 293 and Children Captives; the Souldiers he bound in Chains, and sent them to Athens; having left at Torona a small Garrison, he march'd with the rest of his Forces to the River Strymon in Thrace, and thence to the City Scione (which is distant Thirty Stages from the City Amphipolis) which he fiercely assaulted. But here having intelligence that Brasidas incamp'd with his Army at Amphipolis, he makes against him with a swift March; who being inform'd of the approach of the Enemy, sets forth in Battalia to meet the Athenians; whereupon they presently join'd Battel, the Victory continuing very doubtful for some time where it would fall, both sides bravely behaving themselves: In the mean time the Generals fought with that Resolution, as if each would gain the Victory with his own Hands; and the Officers themselves, with undaunted Courage rush'd into the heat of the Battel, insomuch as many brave Men on both sides breathed out their last. At length Brasidas fell in the Bed of Honour, amongst Heaps of his Enemies slain by his own Hand. Cleon likewise was slain in the thickest of the Combatants: And now both Armies were at a stand, and in a Consternation at the loss of their Generals; but at length the Lacedemonians got the day, and set up a Trophy. And the Athenians upon a Truce made, bury'd their Dead, and sail'd back to Athens. When some who return'd to Lacedemon gave an account of the Victory and Death of Brasidas, it is reported that his Mother asked how he behaved himself in the Battel. To whom Answer was made, That he went beyond all the Lacedemonians. Upon which, she replied, Her Son Brasidas was an Honest and Good Man, but much inferiour to many other Spartans in Valour. What she said being nois'd through the City, the Ephori decreed her publick Honours, because she prefer'd the Glory of her Country, before the particular praise of her Son. After this Battel, the Athenians determin'd to make Peace with the Lacedemonians for Fifty Years, and did so upon these Conditions, that the Prisoners on both sides should be discharg'd, and that the Cities taken in the War should be restored. And so the Peloponesian War that had now continu'd Ten Years, was in this manner ended at this time.


The continuance of the Peloponesian War. The War by the Romans against the Fidinates for putting their Ambassadors to death. The Quarrels between the Aegistines and the Seluntines in Sicily. The Expedition of the Athenians against Sicily under Nicias, being the Sixteenth Year of the Peloponesian War.

ARiston was Archon at Athens, when the Romans committed the Consulship to Titus Quintius, and Aulus Cornelius Cossus. The Peloponesian War was scarcely ended, when new Commotions and Dissentions broke out afresh, occasion'd as follows. The Athenians and Spartans, with the common Consent of all their Confederates, had enter'd into Terms of Truce and Peace. But in the mean time they privately confederated in a League Offensive and Defensive, without taking in the Cities that had sided with either Party; which rais'd a suspicion as if there was a Design laid by this secret Association to inslave all Greece: And therefore the chiefest Cities in Greece sent one to another, and enter'd into mutual Leagues to join together against the Lacedemonians and Athenians. The most potent Grecian Cities in this Confederacy were Four, Argos, Thebes, Corinth and Elis. And indeed there was some reason to suspect these Two Cities had some Design against Greece; for that in the Articles of the League, there was a Clause superjoyn'd, that it should be lawful for the Athenians and Lacedemonians at any time when they thought fit, either to add to, or take any thing from that which was before solemnly agreed to. Besides, the Athenians had created Ten Magistrates, who were invested with full power to manage all Affairs relating to the City. And whereas the Lacedemonians did

Bibliotheca Historica

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