The Library of History

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Page 303 of the Syracusians, against the Enemy. Whereupon a sharp Battel was fought, wherein Lamachus the Athenian General was kill'd. But at length (after many kill'd on both sides) the Athenians got the Day.

After this Fight, came in Thirteen Gallies from Corinth, whereupon Gylippus having drawn the Souldiers out of these Ships, with them, and the Syracusians set upon the Enemies Camp, and assaulted the Epipole: And though the Athenians made a Sally, yet after a sharp Dispute, and many of them kill'd, they were routed by the Syracusians; who presently demolish'd the Walls and Fortifications through all the Epipole. The Athenians having lost this Place, led away their Army to another Post.

These things thus perform'd, the Syracusians sent Embassadors a Second time to Corinth and Lacedemon for further Supplies. To whom were sent a Thousand Men from Corinth, Beotia and Sicyon; and from Sparta Six Hundred. In the mean time, Gylippus traversing the Country about from Town to Town in several Parts of Sicily, brought in many to join with him in the War; and being reinforc'd with Three Thousand Men from the Himereans and Sicanians, he march'd his Army through the Heart of the Country: But the Athenians having intelligence of their coming, cut off one half of them by an Ambush; the rest came safe to Syracuse.

And now they of Syracuse being incouraged with fresh Supplies, determin'd to try their Fortune in a Sea-Fight: What Shipping they had left, they set forth, and built others, which they made use and trial of in the little Harbour.

Nicias the Athenian General, acquainted the People of Athens by Letters, that the Syracusians were much inforc'd, and that they were putting forth a great Fleet, with an intent to come to a Sea-Fight; and therefore desir'd more Shipping and Moneys to be sent him, and a Collegue to bear part of the Burden and Care of the War. For Alcibiades being fled, and Lamachus kill'd, he only remain'd, and that very infirm and unhealthful. Upon this the Athenians sent into Sicily about the Summer Solstice, Ten Gallies, under the Command of Eurymedon, with an Hundred and Forty Talents of Silver: But withal preparing and designing to send a greater Fleet at the Spring. And to that end, they rais'd Men and Money in every Place from among their Confederates. In Peloponesus the Lacedemonians by the instigation of Alcibiades, broke the League they had made with the Athenians, and the heat of this War continu'd for the space of Twelve Years.


The Lacedemonians invade Attica. The Fight at Sea between the Syracusians and Athenians. Eurymedon and Demosthenes arrive in Sicily. A Plague in the Athenian Camp. Another Fight between the Syracusians and Athenians. The latter routed at Sea. The Athenians ruin'd in Sicily. Nicholaus's long Oration. Gylippus his Answer.

THis Year ended, Cleocritus governed in chief at Athens, and at Rome Four Military Tribunes executed the Authority of Consuls; that is to say, Aulus Sempronius, Marcus Papyrius, Quintus Fabius, and Spurius Nautius. At this time the Lacedemonians invaded Attica under Agis their General, and Alcibiades the Athenian. They seize upon Decelia, a Place very strong and fit for a Garrison, and there they built a Fort; from whence this War was call'd the Decelian War. On the other side, the Athenians sent Charides with Thirty Sail into Laconia, and decreed Fourscore Gallies, and Five Thousand Souldiers to be sent into Sicily.

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books