The Library of History

Page 315

Page 315 but when they think they have Power enough, then they'l execute what before they long designed. To conclude, I earnestly beseech thee, O Jupiter! and all the Gods, that the Enemies be not spar'd, that the Confederacy be not deserted, and that another danger of Ruin be not brought upon the Country. And to you, O ye Syracusians, I say if any Mischief happen to you by releasing the Enemy, you leave no colour of Excuse for your selves.

Thus spoke the Laconian; upon which the People chang'd their Minds, and confirm'd the Advice of Diocles, and without delay the Generals with all their Confederates were put to Death. But the Citizens of Athens were adjudg'd, and thrust down into the Quarries. But some of them that had been well bred and instructed in several useful Arts, were by the young Men loos'd from their Fetters and discharg'd. All the rest almost dy'd miserably through ill usage in their Imprisonment.


Diocles instituted Laws for Sicily; suffer'd by one of his own Laws. Three Hundred appointed to govern in Athens. The Athenians beaten at Sea by the Lacedemonians at Oropus. Alcibiades recall'd from Banishment.

THE War now ended, Diocles prescrib'd Laws for the Syracusians. But one thing very remarkable happened concerning this Man: For being of an inexorable Nature, and rigid and severe against the Offenders, amongst other Laws which he made, one was this; That if any Man came arm'd into the Court, he should be put to Death, without any exception of Ignorance, or of any other Circumstance of the Fact whatsoever. It happened that some Enemies made a sudden Incursion into the Borders of the Syracusians, and he was to go forth against them. In the mean time, a Seditious Tumult arose near the Court; upon which he hasten'd thither with his Sword by his Side; which being taken notice of by a Private Man, who cry'd out, that he violated the Laws he himself had made. No by Jove (says he) I'll confirm them: And so drawing his Sword, ran himself through. These were the Actions of this Year.

After this, when Callias govern'd in chief at Athens, the Romans chose Four Military Tribunes to execute the Office of Consuls, Publius Cornelius, Caius Valerius, Cneius Fabius Vibulanus, and Quintius Cincinnatus. At the same time the Ninety Second Olympiad was celebrated at Elis, where Exaenetus of Agrigentum was Victor. At this time the Athenians began to be in contempt by reason of their Misfortunes in Sicily. For soon after the Chians, Samians, Byzantines and a great part of their Confederates, fell off to the Lacedemonians. The People of Athens being upon this Account in great perplexity, laid aside the Democratical Government, and chose Four Hundred to manage the Affairs of the Commonwealth. The Sovereign Power being now devolv'd upon a few, they built more Gallies, and rigg'd out a Fleet of Forty Sail. After some Disagreement amongst the Officers, they sail'd to Oropus, where the Enemies Gallies lay at Anchor: Hereupon a Battel was fought, and the Lacedemonians prevail'd, and took Two and Twenty Sail.

As for the Syracusians, when the War was ended with the Athenians, they rewarded the Lacedemonians their Confederates (of whom Gylippus was General) with the Spoils taken in the War, and sent with them Five and Thirty Gallies to assist them against the Athenians, of which Hermocrates, a great Man among the Citizens, was Admiral. Then all the Booty and Prey was brought together, and out of the Spoils they adorn'd the Temples, and rewarded every Souldier according to his Demerit.

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books