The Library of History

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Page 317 noble Family, and the greatest Estate of any of the Citizens, and therefore esteemed the chief Man of Athens. This Man having a great desire to be re-call'd from his Banishment, did all he could to ingratiate himself into the People of Athens, by doing them some remarkable Service, at such a time as when they seem'd to be in the lowest ebb of Fortune. And therefore having a great interest in Pharnabazus, Darius's Lieutenant, and understanding that he design'd to send Three Hundred Ships to aid the Lacedemonians, prevail'd with him to alter his Resolution. For he suggested to him that it was not safe for the King to make the Lacedemonians too strong, nor for the advantage of the Persians: And that it was much more their interest to keep the Ballance equal, that so the Two Commonwealths might be in continual War one with another.

Pharnabazus conceiving Alcibiades had given him sound and wholsome Advice, sends back the Fleet to Phenicia: And thus the Aid intended for the Lacedemonians, was prevented by Alcibiades. A little time after, he was recall'd, and made General of the Army, and overcame the Lacedemonians in several Battels, and rais'd up his Country from their low Estate, to their former height of glory. But of these matters we shall speak more fully hereafter, lest we should transgress the due order of an History by too much Anticipation.


The Government by Four Hundred abrogated in Athens. The Victory by the Athenians over the Lacedemonians at Sea, between Sestus and Abydus. The Persian Garrison driven out of Antandris by the help of the Lacedemonians. Twenty Two Years of the Peloponesian War ended. Here Thucydides ends his History.

AFter this Year was ended, Theopompus govern'd Athens, and the Romans invested Four Military Tribunes with Consular Dignity, Tiberius Posthumius, Caius Cornelius, Caius Valerius, and Caeso Fabius. At this time the Athenians abrogated the authority of the Four Hundred, and restor'd the Democracy. Theramenes was the Author of this Change (a sober and prudent Man) who was the only Person that advis'd the recalling of Alcibiades (by whom they recover'd their Strength) and by many other good Offices perform'd by Theramenes, to the advantage of the Publick, he gain'd great Authority and Favour with the People. But not long after, the following things happened.

At this time, in order to carry on the War, Two Generals were chosen by the Athenians, Thrasyllus and Thrasybulus, who randevouz'd a Fleet at Samos, and there train'd and exercis'd the Souldiers every Day to inure them to Fighting at Sea. Mindarus the Lacedemonian Admiral, in the mean while lay for some time at Miletus, expecting the Aids from Pharnabazus, and hearing that Three Hundred Gallies were arriv'd from Phenicia, was confident now he should be able with so great Supplies, utterly to ruin the Athenian State. But presently after having intelligence that the Fleet was return'd to Phenicia, through the persuasions of Alcibiades (being now out of all hopes of any assistance from him) he furnish'd some Ships he had with him, from Peloponesus, and from other Foreign Confederates, and sends Dorieus with Thirteen Sail, (which some of the Grecians had lately sent him out of Italy) to Rhodes: For he had heard that some innovations were contriving there; with the rest of the Fleet (to the number of Eighty Three) he made to the Hellespont, because he heard that the Athenian Navy lay at Samos. When the Athenian Commanders saw them pass by, they hasted after them with Threescore Sail. But the Lacedemonians arriving at Chios, the Athenians determined to sail to Lesbos, to be supplied with

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books