The Library of History

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Lysander made Sole Admiral of the Lacedemonian Fleet. He takes Caramium. The Ruin of the Athenian Fleet at Aegos Potamos. Athens taken by Lysander. The End of the Peloponesian War.

THE Year next before being ended, Alexias was made Archon of Athens this Year; and at Rome three Military Tribunes again executed the Places of Consuls, Caius Julius, Publius Cornelius, and Caius Servilius. During their Magistracy, after the Commanders were put to Death, the Athenians made Philocles General of the Army; and delivering the Fleet to him, sent him away to Conon, Commissioning them with a Joynt-Power, in the Management of the War. When he came to Conon at Samos, he Man'd all the Ships to the number of an hundred seventy three. Twenty of these he left there, and with the rest he and Conon set Sail for the Hellespont.

Lysander, in the mean time, High-Admiral of the Lacedemonian Fleet, with 35 Sail, which he had got together from Peloponesus, and their Confederates, next adjoyning, pass'd over to Ephesus; and fitted out a Fleet, which he sent for from Chios. Then he goes to Cyrus, the Son of Darius, and receives from him a great Sum of Mony, for Payment of the Army. Cyrus being sent for by his Father into Persia, intrusts the Management of the Affairs of his Provinces to Lysander; and commands all the Tribute to be pay'd to him: who being now fully supply'd with all things necessary for the War, returns to Ephesus. At this Time some in Miletus, that favour'd an Oligarchy, by the help of the Lacedemonians, abolish'd the Democracy. And to that End, in the beginning of the Sedition, when the Dionysian Festivals were celebrated, forty that were the Greatest Enemies against their Faction, were surpriz'd in their Houses, and murther'd. Afterwards, observing their Opportunity, when the Forum was full of People, they cut off the Heads of 300 of the Richest of the Citizens. In the mean time, above 1000 of the most Considerable Persons of Quality, who were for the Democracy, afraid of the Present imminent Danger, fled to Pharnabasus, the Persian Lord-Lieutenant, who receiv'd them very courteously, and bestow'd upon every one a Stater of Gold, and order'd Clauda, a Castle of Claudia for their Residence.

Lysander, with a great Navy, making for Thasus, a City of Caria, in League with the Athenians, takes it by Storm, and puts all the Men to the number of 800 to the Sword, and sold all the Women and Children for Slaves, and raz'd the City to the Ground. After this he sail'd to Attica, and many other Places; but did nothing memorable. Therefore we have nothing to write further concerning these Matters. The Sum of all is, having taken Lampsatus, he dismiss'd the Athenian Garrison there, and sent them Home; and after he had plunder'd the City, restor'd it to the Inhabitants.

The Athenian Admirals, having Intelligence that the Lacedemonians had besieg'd Lampsacus with all their Forces, got together all their Fleet from every place, and with all speed made for Lampsacus, with an hundred and fourscore Sail; but hearing that it was taken, they Anchor'd at Aegos Potamos, and there lay. Not long after they weigh'd Anchor, and made out against the Enemy, and dar'd them every Day to a Battle; but when the Peloponesians would not stir, the Athenians began to consider what was best to be done, for that they could not stay long there with the Fleet. Hereupon Alcibiades came to them, and assur'd them that Medocus and Seuthes, Kings of the Thracians, who were his special Friends, had offer'd him a great Army, if he would fight against the Lacedemonians; and therefore, if he might have some share in the Command, he ingag'd either to force the Lacedemonians to sight at Sea, or to fight them at Land, by an Army out of Thrace. This Alcibiades did to evidence how great his desire was to procure some Eminent Advantage to his Country, and by fresh Service, to regain their former good Opinion of him. But the Athenian Commanders concluded, that if matters fell out ill, all the Blame would be laid upon them; and if well, Alcibiades would reap all the Honour of the Victory. Therefore they order'd him to withdraw, and not to come near the Army for the future.

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books