The Library of History

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Agrigentum sackt by Imilcar the Carthaginian. The Carthaginians besiege Gela. Dionysius goes to the aid of Gela. The Skirmishes before Gela. Camarina deserted by the Order of Dionysius. The Souldiers inrag'd at Dionysius, he hastens to Syracuse. Imilcar makes Peace with Dionysius, and returns to Carthage. The end of the first Carthaginian War with Dionysius.

A Little while after. Darius King of Asia died, having reigned Nineteen Years; Artaxerxes his Eldest Son succeeded him in the Kingdom, and reign'd 43 Years. About this time Apollodorus the Athenian reports, that Antimachus the Poet flourish'd. Imilcar the Carthaginian General, at the return of the Spring, sack'd the City Agrigentum in Sicily, and carry'd away the Carv'd Work, and richest Furniture out of all those Temples that were not utterly consum'd by the Fire. From hence he made an inroad with his whole Army into the Country of Geloa. From whence, and from the Camarineans (having made great Devastations,) he fill'd his Camp with all sorts of Plunder. Then marching for Gela, he incampt at a River of the same Name. There was a brazen Statue of Apollo, of a wonderful bigness at Gela in the Suburbs of the City, which the Carthaginians took and sent away to Tyre. The Geleans had dedicated it by the Command of the Oracle of Apollo. But the Tyrians some time after, when they were Besieg'd by Alexander the Macedonian, reproach'd the Image, as if it sided with the Enemy. But after that Alexander had taken the City, the very same Day of the Week, and the very Hour (as Timeus reports) that the Carthaginians committed the Sacriledge against Apollo at Gela, the Grecians honour'd the God with many magnificent Gifts and costly Sacrifices, as he by whose help they had won the City. Though these things happen'd in times far distant one from another, yet because the thing was very remarkable, I thought it no digression to compare one Event with the other in this Place.

The Carthaginians when they had cut down all the Trees about Gela, fortify'd themselves by a Wall and deep Trench drawn round their Camp; for they expected that Dionysius would come to the aid of the Besieg'd with a great Army. They of Gela had at the beginning of the Siege to avoid Danger, determin'd to send away their Wives and Children to Syracuse; but when the Women all ran together to the Altars in the Forum, earnestly praying that they might undergo the same Fate with their Husbands, they were suffered to stay. After this, the Souldiers in the Town dividing themselves into several Squadrons, sent out part Abroad; who being well acquainted with all the Ways and Passages, fell upon the Enemy that were straggling here and there, and not only brought in Prisoners every Day, but kill'd many. And when the Carthaginians had batter'd down part of the Walls with their Rams, the Besieg'd stoutly defended them, and what was beaten down in the Day, both Women and Children join'd with the rest and repair'd in the Night: For they that were young and able, were continually in Arms, and ingag'd with the Enemy; the rest were diligently imploy'd in working and other necessary Services. To conclude, they bore the brunt with that Valour and Resolution, that though their City was unfortify'd, and they receiv'd no Aid from their Confederates, and their Walls were broke down in many Places, yet Fear did not at all abate their Courage.

In the mean time Dionysius Tyrant of Syracuse, sent for the Grecian Succours in Italy, and Aids from his Confederates, and imploy'd every one almost that was able to bear Arms in Syracuse, and join'd the Army of the Mercenaries with the rest. The whole amounted not to above Fifty (as some report) but (as Timeus relates) not above Thirty Thousand Foot, and a Thousand Horse, with Fifty Sail of Ships. With these Forces he hastens to the Aid of Gela. When he arriv'd at the City, he encamp'd near the Sea: This he did that his Forces might not be divided, but might fall upon the Enemy both by Sea and Land at once; for by skirmishing with his light Arm'd Men, he prevented their Foraging. And by his Horse, and the help of his Shipping, he endeavour'd to intercept all Provisions that should be brought to the Carthaginians from any part of their Dominions. However he effected nothing, after he had continu'd there Twenty Days. After this, he divided his Foot into Three

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books