The Library of History

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Page 361 to suffer any thing rather than voluntarily lay down the Power he had gain'd. Whereupupon he sent Commissioners to them in Rebellion to desire liberty for himself and those with him to depart out of the City; and in the mean time a Messenger was secretly sent to the Campanians to promise them as much Money as they should demand, if they would come and raise the Siege. Matters being agreed upon, the Syracusians consented that the Tyrant should have liberty to be gone with Five Ships only. After this, things began to cool; and a part of them that lay at the Siege, were discharg'd and drawn off as useless; and many of the Foot rov'd about in the Fields, as if the Tyranny had now been altogether at an end. In the mean time the Campanians encourag'd by such generous Promises, first march'd to Aegyrus, and there leaving their Baggage with Aegyris the Prince of the Place, with Twelve hundred Light Horse speeded to Syracuse; where suddainly arriving, they surpriz'd the Syracusians, and killing many of them, they broke through into the Fort to Dionysius. About the same time Three hundred Mercenaries arriv'd, and came in to the assistance of the Tyrant; so that now he began to pluck up his Spirits. But the Syracusians when they perceiv'd that the Tyrant began to gather strength again, were divided into Parties, some were for continuing the Siege, others were for disbanding the Army, and leaving the City. As soon as Dionysius came to understand this, he Sallies out with what he had, and coming upon them when they were in a distraction, easily put them to flight, and pursu'd them to the place call'd the New City: Yet he kill'd not many there; for riding amongst his Men, he commanded them not to kill those that fled. The Syracusians were now suddenly scatter'd all over the Fields; and a while after above Seven thousand in a body came up to the Horsemen, and surrendred themselves. After the Burial of the Syracusians that were kill'd, Dionysius sent Messengers to Aetna to invite the Exiles there to lay aside their animosities, and to return to their Country, faithfully promising them that he would pardon and forget all that was past. Upon this, some who had left Wives and Children behind them (through the irresistible force of natural Affection) comply'd with the invitation. The rest (when the Messengers cry'd up his Humanity in burying of the Dead) answer'd, That Dionysius himself deserv'd no other Courtesie, and pray'd to the Gods that he might presently meet with it. So that these at Aetna could not by any means be wrought upon to trust the Tyrant's Word, but continu'd at Aetna, waiting for a fit opportunity to pull him down.

Dionysius carry'd himself with all the Respect and Tenderness imaginable towards those that return'd, to encourage the rest to come back to their Country. Then he discharg'd the Campanians with great Rewards, for he durst not trust their fickle and unconstant Humour. When they came to Entella they prevail'd with the Citizens to receive them into the Town, and to infranchise them as natural Inhabitants: but in the Night they treacherously fell upon the Townsmen and cut all their Throats, and Marrying their Wives, possest themselves of the City.


The Lacedemonians establish an Oligarchy in every City; Dionysius disarms the Syracusians. Alcibiades kill'd; the manner of his death. Clearchus his Tyranny in Bizantium. The Battle of Porus by him against his Country-men the Lacedemonians. Lysander projects to out the Heraclides of the Sovereign Power.

IN Greece, after the end of the Peloponnesian War, the Lacedemonians, by the general consent of all, had the Sovereign Command both at Sea and Land. Whereupon they Created Lysander again High Admiral, with Power to establish the Hermoste (as they call'd them) in every City where-ever he came. For because the Democratiste were Enemies to the Lacedemonians, they order'd an Oligarchy to be setled in every City, and impos'd a Tribute upon all they subdu'd. And althô they made no use of Money at any time before, yet now they Treasur'd up from the Tributes paid in by the Cities a Thousand Talents every Year.

When they had setled the Affairs of Greece, as they thought best for the support of their Authority, they sent Aristus, a Noble Person to Syracuse, under colour to abrogate the Tyranny, but in truth and underhand to confirm it. For they concluded, that if they

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books