The Library of History

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Page 363 time, but at length the valiant Spartans prevail'd, and the Tyrants Army was miserably destroy'd. Clearchus with a few escap'd to Selymbria, and was there a while besieg'd, but afterwards in a great fright he fled out of the Town in the night, and sail'd over to Jonia, where becoming familiar with Cyrus the King of Persia's Brother, he was made General of his Army. For Cyrus being made Chief of all the Princes and Governors of the Sea Coasts, and being of an high and aspiring Spirit, determin'd to make War against his Brother Artaxerxes; Looking therefore upon Clearchus to be a fellow of a bold and daring Spirit ready for any adventure, furnish'd him with Money, and order'd him to raise an Army of as many Foreigners as he could, hoping he had new got fit a Companion to assist him in the execution of those bold Attempts he had taken in hand. As for Lysander the Spartan, after he had setled all the Cities subject to the Lacedaemonians, according to the Orders and Directions of the Ephori, some to be govern'd by a Decemvirate, others by an Oligarchy, became of great Note and Reputation at Sparta: For by his Conduct he had put an end to the Peloponnesian War, and thereby had gain'd for his Country the Sovereign Command both at Sea and Land without controul. Being puft up with this Success, he design'd to put an end to the Reign of the Heraclidae, and to that end endeavour'd so to contrive the matter, as to procure a Decree, That any Spartan whatsoever should be capable of being elected King. Thereby he hop'd that the Regal Power would presently be devolv'd upon himself, for the Great and Noble Services that he had done. But considering that the Lacedaemonians were led much by the Answers given by the Oracle, he resolv'd to bribe the Prophetess of Delphos with a large Sum of Money: For he concluded, that if he were favour'd by the Oracle, his Business was done according to his Heart's desire. But when he saw that by his repeated and continual Promises of Reward, day by day, he could not prevail, he address'd himself upon the same account to the Priest of the Oracle at Dodona, by one Pherecrates of the Family of Apolloniatus, who was familiarly acquainted with the Officers of that Temple.

But being disappointed here likewise, he took a Journey to Cerene, under colour to pay a Vow to Jupiter Hammon, but in truth to no other purpose than to bribe that Oracle: To that end he carry'd with him a great Sum of Money to bring over the Priests of that Temple to his Interest: For Lybis, the King of that Country, had been his Father's Guest, and for the great Love and Friendship that there was between them, the Brother of Lysander, was call'd Lybis. But notwithstanding all his hopes to prevail, by his Interest in the King and the Fulness of his Purse, he was not only frustrated of his Hope there, but the Priests of the Oracle sent Ambassadors to Sparta, and accus'd Lysander for his offering of Bribes to corrupt the Oracle. Upon which, when he was return'd to Lacedaemon, he was call'd to answer to the Charge: But he so subtilly manag'd his Cause, that he came off clear; and nothing was discern'd concerning his Prospect to abolish the Government of the Heraclidae. But, a little after his death, when some Notes of Accounts were sought for in his House, there was found a Speech eloquently penn'd, which he had fram'd to persuade the People, That the King's might be chosen out of any of the Families of Sparta.