The Library of History

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Page 366 a great desire to finish this Fortification, with all speed he gets together a great multitude from all parts of the Country, out of which he chose Threescore thousand that were Free-Men and fit for his purpose, and proportion'd the several parts of the Work amongst them. To every Furlong he order'd an Overseer or Master-Workman, and to every Plethrum a Mason, and Two hundred Labourers. Besides these, a great number were imploy'd in cutting out of the Quarries rough and unwrought Stone.

He had likewise Six thousand yoke of Oxen appointed in several places for carrying on of the Work. The multitude of the Workmen wrought great admiration in the Spectators, whilst every one was diligent to perfect that which was allotted to his share. For Dionysius to encourage 'em, promis'd great Rewards here to the Architects, there to the Carpenters, and here again to the Labourers; and he himself with his Friends, would often oversee the Work, whole Days together, going every where from one place to another, taking care to ease and relieve them that were tir'd out. At length laying aside all State and Majesty, he wrought like a private person, and would be the first that should set upon Works of the greatest difficulty, and endure as much hardship as the meanest Labourer; by which means every one striv'd who should do most, insomuch, as besides their daily Labours they wrought some part of the Night; so great was the Ambition of the very common People to finish the Work; so that (beyond what could have been believ'd or imagin'd) the Wall was finish'd in the space of Twenty Days, Thirty Furlongs in length, and so proportionable in height; that for its strength it seem'd to slight the force of any Assailant. For it had many high Towers that stood at convenient distances one from another, and it was built of hewen Stone most artificially jointed and compacted, every Stone Four Foot square.


The War beeween Cyrus and his Brother Artaxerxes King of Persia. Cyrus routed. The Grecian Forces in straits; their brave Behaviour; and long and troublesome March out of Persia into Greece.

AT the end of the Year Exenetus was made Archon or Lord Chancellor of Athens, and Six Military Tribunes, Publius Cornelius, Cesus Fabius, Spurius Nausius, Caius Valerius, Marcus Sergius, and Junius Lucullus executed the Consular Dignity at Rome. At this time Cyrus Chief of all the Lord-Lieutenants of the Maritine Provinces, now determins to prosecute that War against Artaxerxes his Brother, which he had long before been ruminating in his Mind: for this young Man was of a very high Spirit, and much addicted to Martial Affairs. To this end he Musters a great Army of strangers, and furnishes himself with all things necessary for the Expedition; but did not as yet discover to his Army what he intended, but gave out that he rais'd an Army to go against some Tyrants in Cilicia who had rebell'd against the King. He sent moreover an Ambassador to the Lacedemonians to put them in mind of the Services he had done 'em in the War against Athens, and to desire their Aid in the design he had now on foot. Upon this, the Lacedemonians conceiving this War would be their advantage, forthwith decreed Aid to be sent to Cyrus, and presently sent Orders to Samus the Admiral, of their Fleet, to observe whatever was commanded him by Cyrus. Hereupon Samus having then Five and twenty Gallies of three Tire of Oars under his Command, with these passed over to Ephesus to Cyrus's Admiral, offering his Assistance in every thing he should be Commanded. The Lacedemonians sent over likewise under the Command of Chricosophus, Eight hundred Corseteers. One Tamos was Admiral of the Barbarian Fleet, and had under his Command Fifty Gallies well equipp'd. As soon as the Spartan Fleet arriv'd, both Fleets set Sail, as if they intended for Cilicia.

When Cyrus had got together at Sardis the choicest Soldiers of Asia, and Thirteen thousand Mercenaries, he made those Persians that were of his kindred, Governors of Lydia and Phrygia, but the Chief Command of Jonia and Eolia he bestow'd upon his trusty Friend Tamon of Memphis. Having settled these Matters, he then presently march'd with his Army towards Cilicia and Pisidia, a Rumor being spread abroad that some of those Nations had made a Defection. He had out of Asia Seventy thousand Men, of which Three thousand were Horse: Out of Peloponnesus and other parts of Greece Thirteen thousand Mercenaries. Clearchus the Lacedemonian was General of all the Peloponnesians, except the Acheans: Proxenus of the Beotians; Socrates of the Acheans; and Meno commanded

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books