The Library of History

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Page 376 time to come, and so he return'd with his Forces into Asia, after he had been bountifully rewarded for his Services. During the time of the Truce, Pharnabozus went up to the King, and he and others persuaded him to equip a Navy, and make Conon the Athenian Admiral, for he was a very skilful and expert Soldier, the best that was then in Cyprus, with King Evagorus. Pharnabazus having wrought upon the King, and receiv'd Five hundred Talents for that purpose, forthwith made it his business to set forth a Fleet, and after he had sounded Conon, concerning his acceptance of Chief Command at Sea, he created him Admiral, making him many great and fair Promises in the King's Name. Hereupon Conon accepts the Place, in hopes not only to recover the Sovereignty of the Seas for his Country, by subduing the Lacedemonians, but to advance his own Reputation by the success of his Arms. But in regard the whole Fleet was not as yet ready, he sailed away only with Forty Sail into Cilicia, and there prepared himself for the War.

Pharnabazus likewise, and Tissaphernes having rais'd Men out of their several Provinces,. march'd forth, and made their way towards Ephesus, because the Enemies Forces lay there. There were with them under their Command Twenty thousand Foot, and Ten thousand Horse. Dereyllidas the Lacedemonian hearing of the Enemies march, drew forth his Army, having no more than Seven thousand Men; but when the Armies drew near one to another, a Truce was agreed upon, and a certain time prefixt, within which, Pharnabazus might send the Articles to the King to know his pleasure, whether he would have Peace or War, and that Dereyllidas might inform the Spartans how Affairs stood in the mean time. And upon these terms the Armies drew off into their several Quarters.


The War between the Rhegians and Dionysius: He prepares to make War upon the Carthaginians. Most of the Cities submit to Dionysius. He returns to the Siege of Motya. It's taken. Forces sent from Carthage against Dionysius. A Sea-fight between the Carthaginians and the Sicilians. Syracuse Besieg'd. The Speech of Theodorus against Dionysius. A grievous Plague in the Carthaginian Army. A great destruction of the Carthaginian Fleet in the Harbour of Syracuse. The miserable condition of Imilco in his own Country. The Troubles of the Carthaginians.

THE Rhegians, formerly a Colony of the Chalcideans, were now uneasie under the growing Power of Dionysius, for he had enslav'd the Naxians and Gataneans, who were of their own Blood and Nation; and the Rhegians seeing that they themselves were in the same common danger with those already express'd, were in a great Consternation, lest they should all be brought under the same Calamity. Therefore they judg'd it most advisable, and highly to concern them, to make War upon him, while they had an opportunity, before the Tyrant grew too strong. Those that were banish'd from Syracuse by Dionysius join'd in this War, being furnish'd with all things necessary for that purpose by the Rhegians: for there was a great multitude of them at that time at Rhegium, who (being press'd by the Rhegians, with the necessity and advantage they were likely to reap by the War) resolv'd to make use of the first opportunity. To that end Officers were at length chosen, and with them they sent Six thousand Foot, and Six hundred Horse, with Fifty Crabyes, when they were landed they sollicited the Messenian Commanders to join with them, telling them it would be a most dishonourable thing if they should suffer a Grecian City, and next to them, to be utterly destroy'd by a Tyrant. The Officers being thus persuaded, led forth the Soldiers without the order of the State. The number was Four thousand Foot, and Four hundred Horse, and with them Thirty Gallies. Before they had march'd to the utmost borders of Messina, there was rais'd a great Mutiny among the Soldiers, by a Speech made to them by Laomedon a Messinian; For he advis'd 'em not to be the Agressors upon Dionysius, who had not hitherto offer'd them any injury. Upon which the Soldiers of Messina (because the People had not by their Suffrage order'd this War (presently follow'd his Advice, and forsaking their Captains return'd home. Whereupon the Rhegians considering themselves not able to carry on the

Bibliotheca Historica

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