The Library of History

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Page 392 to their own Country, and Places of Habitation, and so freed Carthage from the great Fright they were lately in. And this was the State of Affairs in Africa at this time.

As for Dionysius, he discerning that the Mercenaries bore him no Good Will, and therefore, lest they should depose him, seiz'd upon Aristotle their General, upon which the common Soldiers ran to their Arms, and in great Rage demanded their Pay. But he, to appease them, told them, That he would send Aristotle to Lacedemon to be try'd there by the Democracy, and gave them (who were about Ten thousand) the City and Country of Leontum for their Pay, which they readily accepted for the sweetness and pleasantness of the Place, and divided the Land amongst themselves by Lot. Then he rais'd other Mercenaries, to whom, and to those that were Freemen of his own Family, he committed the Care and Protection of his Government.

After the Overthrow of the Carthaginians, all those that remain'd of them that belong'd to the Cities that were taken by the Carthaginians throughout Sicily, got together, and being restor'd to their several Countries, began to get Strength again. And Dionysius repeopled Messina with a Thousand Lecrians, Four thousand Medimneans, and Six hundred Melesians of Peloponnesus, who were Exiles from Zacynthus and Naupactus. But when he discern'd that he had offended the Lacedemonians, by planting the Messinians (whom they had driven out) in so eminent and considerable a City, he remov'd them into another Place in the Province of Abacena, near the Sea, limiting them within certain Bounds. The Messinians call'd this City Tyndarides, and living peaceably among themselves, and receiving many into the Freedom of their City, they increas'd in a short time to above the Number of Five thousand. After many Expeditions and Incursions into the Territories of the Sicilians, they took Smenteum and Morgantium, and enter'd into League with Agyris the King of the Agyroneans, and Damon the Petty Prince of the Centorrippineans, likewise with the Erbiteans and Astorines. Cephaledium, Selunta, and Enua, were also brought under their Power and Government by Treachery. And they made Peace with them of Erbissa, and so stood the Affairs of Sicily at that time.


Agesilaus made General against the Persians by the Lacedemonians; goes to Ephesus. They send to the King of Egypt for Assistance. The Persians routed at Sipylus by Agesilaus. Tissaphernes's Head cut off in a Bath at Larissa. The War between the Phoceans and Baeotians.

IN Greece, when the Lacedemonians foresaw the great War they were likely to have with the Persians, they made Agesilaus, one of their two Kings, their General, who raising Six thousand Men, and chusing Thirty of the most eminent Citizens to be Members of the Senate, pass'd over out of Europe to Ephesus. There he rais'd Four thousand more, and so march'd into the Field with an Army of Ten thousand Foot, and Four Hundred Horse.

After the Camp follow'd a Rabble, (for the sake of Pillage and Plunder,) not inferior in Number to the Army it self. He ran through the Plains of the Caystrions, and wasted and spoil'd all that belong to the Persians as far as to Cumae. Moving from thence, he spent the greatest part of the Summer in spoiling and wasting Phrygia, the Country next adjoyning; and having loaded his Army with Pillage and Spoil, about the latter end of Autumn return'd with his Army to Ephesus.

While these Things were acting, the Lacedemonians sent Ambassadors to Nephreus King of Egypt, in order to procure his Assistance in the War; who sent to the Spartans Tackle and Furniture for a Hundred Gallies, and Five hundred thousand Bushels of Wheat instead of Soldiers. Pharax therefore, the Lacedemonian Admiral, loosing from Rhodes with a Hundred and twenty Sail, arriv'd at Cassandra a Castle of Caria, distant a Hundred and fifty Stages from Caunus. Setting sail from thence, he besieg'd Caunus and Conon the Persian Admiral, who then lay there with a Fleet of Forty Sail. But Artaphernes and Pharnabazus approaching to the Relief of Caunus with a great Army, Pharax rais'd his Siege, and return'd with his Fleet to Rhodes.

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books