The Library of History

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Page 396 only made use of the King's Soldiers to get Towns and Cities for the Athenians; therefore sending for him to Sardis, upon his appearance he seiz'd him and threw him into Prison.

But now at Corinth some that had thirsted after the chief Rule and Command in the Government, entred into a Conspiracy, and at the time of the publick Plays kill'd many in the Play-house, and fill'd the City with Tumult and Sedition. And being assisted by the Argives they cut the Throats of a Hundred and Twenty Citizens, and Banish'd Five hundred more. The Lacedaemonians raised Forces in order to reduce these Murderers by Force of Arms: But the Athenians and Beotians came with an Army to their assistance, but with an Eye to bring the City into their Subjection. But the Exiles with the Lacedaemonians and other Confederates, in the Night came up to the Lecheum and Arsenal, and took it by Storm. The next day the Townsmen drew out their Forces under the Command of Iphicrates, but were routed by the Lacedaemonians, who slew a great number of them. After this, the Beotians and Athenians together with the Argives and Corinthians, march'd down with their Forces to the Lecheum, and at first (after a short Resistance) forced their way into the Castle. But the Lacedaemonians and Exiles (Valiantly renewing the Fight,) drove out the Beotians, and all with them, who were forced to return into the City, with the loss of about a Thousand Men.

And now the time of Celebrating the Isthmian Games approached, and a Contest fell out amongst them concerning the Ordering and Management of the Sports: And after much wrangling, the Lacedaemonians prevail'd, and gave to the Exiles the Authority of ordering that Affair: And because almost all the Skirmishes and Encounters in this War happen'd near to Corinth, it was call'd the Corinthian War, and lasted Eight Years.


The Quarrel between the Rhegians and Dionysius. Mago the Carthaginian settles Affairs in Sicily. Routed at Abacena by Dionysius. Rhegium near surpriz'd by Dionysius. The Acts of Iphicrates at Corinth, Phlias, and Sicyon. Amyntas lost his Kingdom of Macedonia, but was restor'd. The Romans take Veii; Dedicate a Golden Cup to Apollo. Their Ambassadors are taken by the Pirates of the Lipari-Islands, but discharg'd by Timasitheus.

MOreover, about this time they of Rhegium quarrelled with Dionysius in Sicily, because he had fortify'd Messina, as if he intended thereby some Mischief against them. Upon which they receiv'd into their Protection all that were driven out by Dionysius, and all others that hated his Government. Then they gave Mylas to the late Inhabitants of Naxus and Catana to be inhabited by them; and sent Heloris with an Army to besiege Messina; and while he in the first place besieg'd the Castle, the Townsmen with the Mercenaries of Dionysius drew out and fell upon him, routed him, and kill'd above Five hundred of his Followers. Then they presently set upon Mylas and took it, and and discharg'd all the Naxians that were there upon terms of mutual Friendship, who went to the Sicilian and Grecian Cities, some to one place and some to another.

Dionysius now having made a League with the Cities that lay upon the Sea-Coasts, determin'd to pass over with an Army against Rhegium: But for the present his Design was retarded by the Sicilians at Tauromenum, whom therefore he resolv'd in the first place to reduce; to which end he marched thither with all his Forces, and Encamp'd on that side towards Naxos, and continu'd his Siege all Winter, in hopes that the Sicilians would leave the Hill, because they had not been long there. But they having heard their Fathers declare that the ancient Sicilians (the former Inhabitants of that Place) were expuls'd thence by the Grecians when they arriv'd there, and built Naxus, they therefore concluded they had just cause both to defend their own Country, and to revenge the Injury done to their Ancestors by the Greeks, and so they defended the Place with great Resolution.

In the mean time, while the Dispute was hot on both sides, the Winter Solstice drew near at hand, and Winter coming on apace all the Places near the Castle were full of Snow; and Dionysius conceiving that the Sicilians by reason of the strength of the Place and height of the Walls, kept but a slender Guard in the Castle, he ascends those high and steep Places in a dark and tempestuous Night, and with much difficulty (by reason of the steepness

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books