The Library of History

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Page 398 After these things, the Argives with all their Forces came against Corinth, and took both the Castle and City, and join'd that Territory to their own. Iphicrates the Athenian had had a design to be Master of that Territory, as a Place conducing much to the gaining and keeping the Principality of Greece. But the People opposing it, he Abdicated the Government, and the Athenians ordered Cabrias to Corinth in his room.

In Macedonia Amyntas, the Father of Philip, was ejected out of his City by the Illyrians, who made an inroad into his Country, and despairing to keep his Kingdom, he gave the Olynthians the Territory next adjoining to them. However, though he lost his Kingdom at this time, yet soon after he recover'd it by the help of the Thessalians, and reign'd afterwards Four and twenty Years. Yet there are some that write, that after the Expulsion of Amyntas, Argeus reign'd in Macedonia for the space of Two years, and then Amyntas was restor'd. About the same time Satyrus, the Son of Sparticus, King of Bospherus, dy'd, after he had reign'd Fourteen years, and Leuco his Son succeeded him for the space of Forty years.

In Italy, after Eleven years Siege of the Veians, the Romans created Marcus Furius, Dictator, and Publius Cornelius, General of the Horse. Having rais'd an Army they storm'd Veii by undermining the Castle, raz'd the City and sold the Inhabitants for Slaves; after which the Dictator triumph'd, and the People of Rome dedicated a Golden Cup to the Oracle at Delphos, out of the Tenth of the Spoils. But they that carry'd the Offering were fallen upon by * Thieves or Pirates belonging to the Isles of Lapari, and were carry'd thither. Yet when Timasatheus who was then chief Magistrate of * Lisopara, heard of it, he not only protected the Messengers from all Injuries, but caus'd the Cup to be restor'd, and suffer'd them to pass safely to Delphos: Who, when they had deliver'd the Cup into the Treasury of the Messinians, return'd to Rome. And when the Romans understood how nobly Timasatheus had dealt with the Ambassadors, they presently so far honour'd him, as to enter into a League of Alliance and Friendship with him; and an Hundred thirty and seven years after, when they took Lipara from the Carthaginians, they order'd all the Posterity of Timasatheus to be quit of Tribute, and free in all other respects.


The Acts of Thrasybulus the Athenian General. The Carthaginians under Mago begin a new War in Sicily against Dionysius. A Peace concluded. Rhodes falls off from the Athenians. Evagoras becomes King of Salamis in Cyprus. Makes War against the Persians. The Acts of Thimbro, the Lacedemonian General in Asia.

WHen the Year was ended, Philocles was made Lord-Chancellor of Athens, and six Military Tribunes Publius Sextus, Publius CorneliusCrassus, Ceso Fabius, Lucius Furius, Quintus Servilius, and Marcus Valerius executed the Office of Consuls at Rome. At this time was celebrated the Ninety Seventh Olympiad, in which Terites was Victor. And then the Athenians order'd forth their General Thrasybulus with Forty sail of Men of War, who hasten'd to Ionia, and there being furnish'd with Money from the Confederates, he weigh'd Anchor from thence and arriv'd at Chersonesus, where he staid a while and procur'd Medocus and Seuthes, Princes of Thrace, to become Confederates. Presently after, he pass'd over to Lesbos, and anchor'd with his Fleet near to Eressus: But by a violent Storm Three and Twenty of his Ships were then lost. However, with those that were left he endeavour'd to reduce the Cities of Lesbos to their Obedience, for all had made a Defection, except Mitylene; and first he sets upon Methymna, and fought with the Citizens led by Therimacus, a Spartan, whom he kill'd, with many of the Methymnians his followers, and drove the rest within their Walls; and after he had made great Spoil and Havock in the Country, Eressus and Antissa were surrendered to him: Then (being furnish'd with Shipping from Chius and Mitylene,) he fail'd to Rhodes.

And now the Carthaginians having (after the Slaughter at Syracuse) at length recover'd their Strength, resolv'd to renew their Attempts for the bettering their Affairs in Sicily; and because they determin'd to try their Fortune by a Battel at Land, they pass'd over but with a few long Ships; but raised Soldiers out of Africa, Sardinia, and from among the Barbarians in Italy, and arm'd them all compleatly at their own Charge, and with these

Bibliotheca Historica

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