The Library of History

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Page 404 place. The Rhegians, not suspecting any thing, for some few days furnish'd him liberally. But when he delaid and trifled away the time, sometimes pretending himself sick, other times framing other excuses; they at length smelt his design, and therefore forbore sending any further Provision to his Camp. Upon which, Dionysius seeming to be much enrag'd at this affront, return'd to them all the Hostages, and beg 〈…〉 ing the Town round with his Forces, assaulted it every day; and with a great number of Engines (of an incredible bigness) so batter'd the Walls, as if they had been shaken by a Storm and Tempest, so earnest was he to gain the City. The Rhegians on the other hand, (having made Phile their General) order'd all that were of Age and Strength to take up Arms, and to keep strict Guards; and spying a fit opportunity, they made a vigorous Sally; and burnt the Enemies Engines; and often skirmish'd out of the Walls with that Valour, and Resolution (to the exasperating of the Enemy) that they both lost many of their own, and kill'd no few of the Sicilians: Nay, Dionysius himself was so wounded with a Lance about the Privy Parts, that he was very near losing his Life, it being a long time before he recover'd. Notwithstanding, tho' the Siege was tedious, and the Rhegians resolv'd to defend their Liberty, yet he imploy'd his Soldiers in continual Assaults, not in the least receding from his former design and purpose. The Olympick Games in the mean time drawing on, he sent to that Solemnity many Chariots drawn with Four Horses apiece, and exceeding swift; and likewise Tents glistering with Gold, and adorn'd with rich and various Embroideries of admirable Workmanship; and with these he sent likewise the most skilful Singers to advance his own praise by the reciting of Poems compos'd by himself; For he was (even to madness) given to Poetry, and he committed the care and oversight of all these things to his Brother Thearides, (who when he came to the ground (by the multitude of the Chariots, and richness and splendor of the Tents and Pavilions) attracted the Eyes of all the Beholders. And when the Singers began to recite the Poems of Dionysius, the People at first ran together, and greatly admir'd the sweet and pleasant Airs of the Stage-Players. But as soon as they perceiv'd how bad and Ballad like the the Verses were, they ridicul'd Dionysius, and despis'd him to that degree, that they rist'd the Tents. Lystas likewise the Orator then at Olympid, advis'd the People that they should not admit any of those Procurators sent by so wicked a Tyrant to have any thing to do with those Sacred Sports. At which time he made the Speech styl'd by him The Olympick Oration. And how the Race began, and it so happen'd, that the Chariots of Dionysius were some of 'em driven out of the Line, others were broken in pieces by dashing one upon another. Neither did the Ship prosper better which convey'd the Procurators: For in their return from the Games to Sicily, they were forc'd by violence of a Tempest to Tarentum, a City in Italy. And it is reported that when they came to Syracuse they spread it abroad, That the badness of Dionysius's Verses had not only disgrac'd the Singers, but prejudic'd both the Chariots and the Ship. However, tho' he knew that his Verses were hiss'd at, yet still he addicted himself to Poetry, being told by his Flatterers, that those thrt envy'd every thing that was Noble and Brave, would at length admire what they then despis'd. At that time the Romans slew a great number of the Volsci in the Battel at Gurasum.


The Peace of Antalcidas. The War by the Persians against Evagoras in Cyprus The miserable Condition of Rhegium: It's Surrender'd. The cruel usage of Philo the Governor of Rhegium, and of his Son. The Expedition of the Galls against Italy. The Romans routed by the Galls at the River Allia. Rome taken by the Galls. The Romans Besieg'd in the Capitol. The Volsci Revolt from the Romans. The Galls routed by Marcus Furius in their return. All cut off afterwards in the Plains of Trausium.

WIth these Actions the year ended, and now Theodotus was made Chief Magistrate of Athens, and Six Military Tribunes executed the Consular Authority at Rome: Quintus Caesus, Sulpitius Aenos, Caesus Fabius, Quintus CerviliusPublius Cornelius, and Marcus Claudius. At this time the Lacedemonians tir'd out with the War both against the Greeks and Persians, order'd their Admiral Antalcidas to go to Artaxerxes to strike up a Peace. When he had deliver'd his Ambassage to the King, he answer'd, that he would

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books