The Library of History

Page 408

Page 408 were hemm'd in on every side, and almost all cut off. And thus this Nation, who were before a strong and potent People, by this Overthrow were brought extream low and weaker than any of the Nations round about them.

The Dictator afterwards hearing that Bola was besieg'd by the Aequi, march'd thither, and kill'd most of the Besiegers. Thence he mov'd to Sutrinum, a Colony of the Romans, but then possess'd by the Aequi, and falling upon them on the sudden, he made a great Slaughter among them, and restor'd the City to them of Sutrinum.

About this time the Gauls in their march from Rome besieg'd Veascus, a Confederate City of the Romans; upon which, the Dictator march'd against them, fought and routed them, and seiz'd their Bag and Baggage, amongst which was the Gold weigh'd at Rome, and recover'd almost all the Prey and Plunder they had gain'd in taking of the City. And though he had perform'd all this good Service, yet the Tribunes of the People through Envy deny'd him a Triumph. Yet some relate, that he did Triumph in a Chariot drawn with four white Horses for the Victory against the Thuscans, and within two Days after was fin'd by the People in a great Sum of Money, which we shall mention hereafter in its proper place.

Those Gauls that went to Japygium, design'd to return through the Roman Territories; but the Cerii laid an Ambush for them in the Night, and cut them all off in the Plains of Trausium.

Callisthenes the Historian began his Grecian Memoirs from this Year, wherein the Peace was made between the Graecians and Artaxerxes, and ended them with the Year the Temple of Delphos was taken and rifled by Philomelus the Phocian, comprehending an Account of Affairs for the space of Thirty Years in Ten Books. And now being come to the Peace between Artaxerxes and the Greeks, and the Danger threatned to Rome by the Gauls, according to our purpose at the beginning, we shall put an end to this Book.

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books