The Library of History

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Page 423 the Dead to be bury'd. In this Battel the Athenians lost Eighteen Gallies, and the Lacedaemonians Four and twenty; and Eight were taken with all the Men.

Chabrias crown'd with this glorious Victory, return'd with great and rich Spoils to the Pireum, and was receiv'd by the Citizens with great Honour and Acclamation. This was the First Victory at Sea gain'd by the Athenians since the Peloponnesian War; for at Cnidus they prevail'd not by the Strength of their own Forces, but by the Assistance of the King of Persia.

While these things were acted in Greece, Marcus Manlius was put to death at Rome for aspiring to the Monarchy.


The Treballians make Incursions into Thrace. Chabrias the Athenian General Assassinated. The Thebans rout the Spartans at Orchomena. Artaxerxes seeks to make Peace among the Graecians. Peace concluded. The Thebans only disagreed. The Commendation of Epaminondas. Seditions in several Cities of Greece.

WHEN Chariander was Archon at Athens, and Servius Sulpitius, Lucius Papyrius,Cornelius Titus, and Marcus Quintius, Four Military Tribunes, were in Consular Authority at Rome, the Hundred and First Olympiad was celebrated at Elis, and Damon of Thurium bore away the Prize. At that time the Treballians in Thrace (being in great Scarcity of Corn) made an Incursion with Thirty thousand arm'd Men, into their Neighbours Territories to get Provision. To that end they enter'd the Borders of the Abderites in another part of Thrace, and wasted and spoiled the Country without any Opposition; and having loaden themselves with abundance of Plunder, they return'd so carelesly and disorderly, as that the whole City of Abderita falling upon them when they were scatter'd and dispers'd, kill'd above Two thousand of them. To revenge which, the Exasperated Barbarians made a second Inroad into the Abderites Country. But they being encourag'd by the late Victory, and strengthen'd with the assistance of their Neighbour Thracians, drew up in Battalia against the Barbarians. The Armies furiously engag'd, when on a sudden the Thracians drew off and left the Abderites to themselves: Who were presently hemm'd in by the Barbarians, and almost every Man cut off.

As soon as this grievous Slaughter of the Abderites was nois'd abroad, and they were now ready to be besieg'd, in comes Chabrias the Athenian with his Army, and not only delivers the Abderites, but drives the Barbarians out of the Country. And after he had strengthen'd the City with a strong Garison, he was basely assassinated, the Person by whom not known. Upon this, Timotheus was made Admiral of the Athenian Fleet, and sailing to Cephallenia he block'd up the City with his Navy, and wrought upon the Cities of Acarnania to side with the Athenians. Presently after he enter'd into League with Acetas, King of the Molossians; and now having in his power all the Countries subject to the Cities in those Parts, he routed the Lacedaemonians in a Sea Fight at Leucades; and all this he did in a very short time, and with much Ease, partly by fair Words, and partly by force of Arms and his excellent Conduct: so that he not only gain'd Esteem and Reputation amongst his own Fellow Citizens, but likewise amongst all the Graecians. And thus was it with Timotheus at this time.

During these Transactions, the Thebans (with Five hundred the Valiantest Men of their City) march'd against Orchomena, and perform'd an Exploit worthy of Memory. The Spartans kept this City with a strong Garison, and making a Sally upon the Thebans there was a sharp Encounter, in which they routed the Lacedaemonians though they were double in number, which never happen'd to them before in any age; but the thing might have been born well enough if they had been few and had been conquer'd by the far greater number. Henceforth the Courage of the Thebans encreas'd, and they grew every day famous for their Valour: And now it was apparent, that they were likely to gain the Sovereignty of all Greece. As to the Writers of this time. Hermeas of Methymna ends his History of the Affairs of Sicily with this Year, comprehended in Ten, but as others divide them, in Twelve Books.

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books