The Library of History

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New stirs in Greece. The Battle between the Eleans and Arcadians near Lassion. The Quarrel between the Pisate and them of Elis about the Olympick Games. A Fight at the Time and Place of the Games. The Thebans prepare a Fleet in Order to gain the Dominion at Sea. Rhodes, Chios, and Byzantium brought into the Thebans by Epaminondas. The Thebans make War upon Orchomenon: The Reason. Orchomenon raz'd. The Thessalians War with Alexander the Pheraeen. Pelopidas Kill'd; his Praises.

THIS Year Chion was chief Governour at Athens, and these Military Tribunes Executed the Consular Authority at Rome, viz. QuintusServius, Caius Veturius, Aulus Cornelius, Marcus Cornelius, and Marcus Fabius. In their time, while all Greece was at Peace, on a sudden new Stirs and Preparations for War began to break out, between some of the Cities. For the Exiles of Arcadia made an Excursion out of Elis, and Seiz'd upon the strong Castle of Triphilia, call'd Lassion. The Archadians and Eleans, had been quarrelling a long time about Triphilia: And upon several Turns of Fortune, first one, and then the other got the Possession; which being at this time in the hands of the Arcadians, the Eleans under the Shelter and Colour of the Arcadian Fugitives dispossessed the Arcadians. They, (Enrag'd at this Affront and Injury,) by their Ambassadors, first demanded the Redelivery of the Place, but their demand was slighted, thereupon they procur'd the Athenians to joyn with them in the War, and Besieg'd Lassion. But the Eleans came presently into the Assistance of the Exiles. Upon which a Battle was Fought near Lassion: In which the Eleans were Routed, being overpowr'd by number, and lost above two hundred Men. The Seeds of War being now Sown, the Controversie between the Eleans and the Arcadians grew hotter every Day: For the Arcadians pufft up with the late Victory, presently March'd their Army into the Country of Elis, and took the Cities Marganus, Cronion, Cyparissia, and Coryphasion.

In the mean time Ptolomaeus Alorites, in Macedonia was treacherously Murther'd by his Brother Perdiccas after he had Reign'd three Years; Perdiccas succeeded him, and enjoy'd the Kingdom five Years.

At this time Timocrates was Archon at Athens, and three Military Tribunes invested with Consular Authority rul'd at Rome, viz. Titus Quintius, Servilius Cornelius, and Servius Sulpitius. The Hundred and fourth Olympiad was now Celebrated by the Pisate and the Arcadians, where Phocides the Athenian was Victor.

About this time it happn'd that the Pisaeans (upon the account of some old Fables and Stories they had amongst them) to regain the ancient Honour and Dignity of their Country, challeng'd it as their Right to Convene and Manage the Olympick Games. Judging it therefore now a fit time to dispute this matter, they took in the Arcadians (the Enemies of the Eleans) as their Confederates in the War: With whose Aid and Assistance they March'd against the Eleans, who had then appointed the Games. Whereupon the Eleans with all their Forces made out against them, upon which there was a very sharp Encounter. The Grecians who were then come together to this Solemnity, stood as Spectators with Crowns upon their Heads (out of reach of all danger) and at every brave Action of either Party gave up great shouts. The Pisaeans at length being Conquerors manag'd the Sports; but the Eleans never accounted this Olympiad in their Annals, because they lookt upon it to be acted by Force, and against Law.

During these Transactions of Affairs, Epaminondas the Theban (who was in great Esteem among the People) made a Speech to the Citizens, in which he stirr'd them up to gain the Dominion of the Sea. In this Oration (which he had premeditated long before) he shew'd them that the thing was easily done, as it was advantageous and profitable for the Commonwealth, and amongst other things he likewise told them, that being Sovereigns at Land, they might be easily Masters at Sea. For altho' the Athenions in the War against Xerxes had a Navy of Two hundred Sail well Equipp'd and Furnish'd; yet they were under the Command of the Lacedemonians, who had but Ten. When he had spoken what he had to say sutable to the occasion, he brought the Thebans to a Compliance.

It was therefore forthwith Decreed by the People that a Hundred Gallies, and as many Docks should be built, and that application should be made to the Rhodians, Chians,

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books