The Library of History

Page 606

Page 606 Friends, and Confederates with Cassander; but that Cassander should for the present hold Munichia till the War was ended with the Kings: And that the Common-wealth should pay a Tribute of Ten Minas; and that an Athenian should be constituted Protector and Guardian of the City, whom-ever Cassander pleas'd. Whereupon Demetrius the Phalerian was chosen; who being invested with the Office, kept the City in perfect Peace, and carry'd himself very obligingly towards all the Citizens.

After this Nicanor brought his Fleet into the Pireum, adorn'd with the Beaks of Ships gain'd in the late Victory: Upon the account of which success he was at the first highly honour'd by Cassander, but afterwards perceiving that he grew Proud and Haughty, and still detain'd the Fort of Munichia with his own Soldiers, he had a jealousie of him that he intended to revolt, and therefore laid a Trap for him and cut him off. Then he march'd into Macedonia, where many of the Inhabitants revolted to him; many likewise of the Greek Cities were inclin'd to join with Cassander. For Polysperchon seem'd to be slothful and careless in managing the Affairs both of the Kingdom and the Allies. Cassander on the other hand, behaved himself with great Candor towards all, and approv'd himself industrious in the Management of Publick Affairs, so that he gain'd many who countenanc'd him in his seeking to obtain the Supream Authority.

But now because Agathocles the Year next following became Tyrant of Syracuse, we shall, as we design'd at the beginning, put an end to this Book, and begin the next with Agathocles his advance to the Throne, and go on with the Affairs proper and pertinent to our History.

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books