The Library of History

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Page 640 a stout and valiant man, and one that was able to discern and discover his Miscarriages: Which wicked fact being presently nois'd abroad, the Exiles in a Body came upon him, and every body else forsoook him, and in the first place they depos'd him, and presently after attempted to stone him to death; to avoid therefore the rage of the People he stole away in the night and landed privatly in Laconia: After his departure the Tarentines recall their Fleet they had before sent into Sicily.

Hereupon the Agrigentines Geloans and Messenians by the mediation of Amilcar the Carthaginian General, make peace with Agathocles; the Conditions of which were as follow; that Heraclea Selinum and Himera, part of the Greek Cities, should belong unto the Carthaginians, as they did before; all the rest under the power of the Syracusians should be free to be govern'd after their own Laws. But afterwards Agathocles, when he saw the coast clear, and Sicily free and clear'd from all appearance of an Enemy, he fell upon the Cities, and without any difficulty brought them under his subjection; and gaining many in a very short time, strongly fixt himself in the Principality. For in the multitude of his Confederates, the greatness of his Yearly Revenues, and the power of a mighty Army, he grew very strong. For besides his Confederates and those rais'd from among the Syracusians, he had of mercenaries Ten thousand Foot and Three thousand and fifty Horse; he furnish'd himself likewise with all sorts of Arms, foreseeing that the Carthaginians (who had smartly rebuk't Amilcar for making the Peace) would in a short time make War upon him. And such was the estate of Sicily at this time.

In Italy the Samnites having now been in Wars with the Romans for many Years last past, took Plistia, wherein was a strong Roman Garrison; and prevail'd with the Soranions to massacre all the Romans that were there, and to confederate with the Samnites.

Afterwards while the Romans were besieging of Satricula, they came upon them with a strong Army resolving to raise the siege; upon which follow'd a sharp Engagment, and after many kill'd on both sides the Romans carry'd the day; and then presently after they took the Town, and gain'd several other neighbouring Towns and Castles. And now the War was brought over amongst the Cities of Apulia; whereupon the Samnites Listed all that were of Age to bear Arms, and march'd out and Incampt close to the Enemy, being now resolv'd to win or lose all. The People of Rome therefore to prevent the worst, sent thither a great number of Souldiers: And because they were accustom'd in perilous times to choose one of the most Noble and Eminent Persons to be their General, with full and absolute power and Authority; they therefore pitch'd upon Quintus Fabius and Quintus Aulius, Master of the Horse, for that honourable imployment. These Generals afterwards fought the Samnites at Lautulas, where they sustain'd great loss of their men; and the whole Army fled outright, only Aulius (being asham'd of the dishonour) oppos'd the whole Body of the Enemy, not out of any hopes or expectation of gaining the Victory, but to have it manifest and apparent to all from his own valour, that his Country was unconquerable. Not sharing therefore with the rest of the Citizens in the Dishonour of the flight, he dy'd there a glorious and honourable death.

The Romans now fearing lest they should lose all Apulia, sent Colonies into Luceria, the most famous City of all those parts; and this prov'd of great advantage to them by the frequent Eruptions made upon the Samnites. For by the help and advantage of this City they became Conquerors, not only in this war, but several times afterwards; and even to our own present Age they have constantly made use of this City as a strong Fort and Citadel of War against all the neighbouring Nations.