The Library of History

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The Acts of Ptolemy in Cilicia, and elsewhere. Polysperchon murders Hercules, Alexander's Son, by Instigation of Cassander. Amilcar taken, and put to Death by the Syracusians. His Head sent to Agathocles in Africa. The Transactions in Sicily. Archagathus Agathocles's Son, kills Lysiscus; he and his Son in in great Danger by the Army. Affairs in Italy. The Works of Appius Claudius; the Appian Way. Ptolemy comes to Corinth; his Acts there. Cleopatra, Alexander's Sister, kill'd by the Governor of Sardis. The further Acts of Agathocles in Africa. Ophellas decoy'd, and cut off by Agathocles. Ophellas his troublesome March to Agathocles. Lamias's Cruelty, and the Story of her. Bomilcar seeks to be Prince of Carthage, but is put to Death by the Citizens. Agathocles sends the Spoils of the Cyrenians to Syracuse; most lost in a Storm, Affairs in Italy.

WHen Demetrius Phalerius was Lord Chancellor of Athens, Quintus Fabius (the second time) and Caius Martius were invested with the Consular Dignity at Rome. At that time Ptolemy King of Egypt hearing that his Captains had lost all the Cities again in Cilicia, put over with his Fleet to Phaselis, and took that City by Force, and from thence passing into Lycia, took Xanthus by Assault, and the Garison of Antigonus that was therein. Then sailing to Caunus, took the City by Surrender, and then set upon the Citadels and Forts that were in it, and took them by Assaults.

As for Heracleum, he utterly destroy'd it; and the City Persicum came into his Hands by the Surrender of the Soldiers that were put to keep it. Then sailing to Coos, he sent for Ptolemy the Captain, who was Antigonus his Brother's Son, and had an Army committed to him by Antigonus: But now forsaking his Uncle, he clave to Ptolemy, and join'd with him in all his Affairs. Putting therefore from Cholcis, and arriving at Coos, Ptolemy the King at first receiv'd him very courteously; yet after a while, when he saw the Insolency of his Carriage, and how he went to allure the Officers by Gifts, and held secret Cabals with them, for fear of the worst he clap'd him up in Prison, and there poison'd him with a Draught of Hemlock: As for the Soldiers that came with him, he made them his own by large Promises, and distributed them by small Parcels among his Army. Whilst these Things were acting, Polysperchon having rais'd a great Army, restor'd Hercules the Son of Alexander, begotten upon Barsinoe, to his Father's Kingdom. And while he lay encamp'd at Stymphalia, Cassander came up with his Army, and both encamp'd near one to another: Neither did the Macedonians grudge to see the Restoration of their King.

Cassander therefore fearing, lest the Macedonians (who are naturally Inconstant) should Revolt to Hercules, sent an Agent to Polysperchon, chiefly to advise him concerning the Business of the King. If the King was restor'd, he told him, he must be sure to be under the Commands of others; but if he would assist him, and kill the young Man, he should enjoy the same Privileges and Honours in Macedonia that ever he had before. And besides, that he should have the Command of an Army; that he should be declar'd Generalissimo of Peloponnesus; and that he should share in the Principality, and be in equal Honour with Cassander. At length he so caught and ensnar'd Polysperchon with many large Promises, that they enter'd into a secret Combination, and Polysperchon undertook to murder the young King, which he accordingly effected; upon which Polysperchon openly join'd with Cassander in all his Concerns, and was advanced in Macedonia, and receiv'd (according to the Compact) Four thousand Macedonian Foot, and Five hundred Thessalian Horse; and having listed several other Voluntiers, he attempted to pass through Boeotia into Peloponnesus: But being oppos'd by the Boeotians and the Peloponnesians, he was forc'd to retire, and march into Locris, where he took up his Winter-Quarters.

During these Transactions, Lysimachus built a City in Chersonesus, and call'd it after his own Name, Lysimachia. Cleomenes King of Lacedaemon now dy'd, when he had reign'd Threescore Years and Ten Months; and was succeeded by Aretas his Son, who Rul'd Forty Four Years.

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books