The Library of History

Page 723

Page 723 do they make out their Consanguinity both to Cyrus and to Anaphas, who it's said was of so stout a Spirit, that before he would pay Tribute to the Persians, he abdicated his Government of Capadocia. After his death Anaphas his Son Reign'd in his stead, who dying, left his two Sons, Ditamus and Arimneus, and that Ditamus took upon him the Government, (a Warlike Prince, and in all respects accomplish'd for the Kingdom) who joining Battle with the Persians, and behaving himself with great Gallantry and Resolution, was kill'd in the Fight, and his Son Ariamnes succeeded him in the Kingdom. To whom were born two Sons, Ariarathes and Holophernes: And after he had Reign'd 50 Years, he dyed having done nothing memorable, and the Elder of his Sons Ariarathes succeeded him, who it's said bore so great and tender a Love to his Brother, that he advanc'd him to the highest degree of Honour and Preferment. And sent him to join with the Persians in the War against the Aegyptians, who after return'd loaden with many and large marks of Honour conferr'd upon him by Ochus, for his Valour, and dy'd in his own Country, leaving behind him two Sons, Ariarathes and Arysses. And that his Brother the King of Cappadocia ( having no legal Issue) adopted Ariarathes his Brother's Eldest Son. About this time Alexander the Macedonian King ruin'd the Persian Empire, and presently after dy'd. But Perdiccas who had the chief Command, sent Eumenes as General into Cappadocia, who subdu'd and kill'd Ariarathes and brought Cappadocia and all the bordering Territories into the the power of the Macedonians. But Ariarathes, the adopted Son of the former King, despairing for the present to regain the Kingdom, with a few followers fled into Armenia. But Eumenes and Berdiccas both dying not long after, and Antigonus and Seleucus imbroil'd in War one with another, Ariarathes with the help of Arcloathus King of Armenia (who furnish'd him with forces) routed and kill'd Amyntas the Macedonian General, and presently drave all the Macedonians out of the Country, and recover'd his Kingdom. He had 3 Sons, the Eldest of which, Ariamnes succeeded him, who join'd in affinity with Antiochus Theos, and Married his Eldest Son Ariarathes to Stratonice, Antiochus his Daughter. And for the great love he had to him above all his Children, e set the Diadem upon his Head, and made him Co-parther with him in the Kingdom: and after the death of his Father he reign'd alone. Then he dying, Ariarathes his Son, of a very tender Age, succeeded. He Marry'd Antiochide (the Daughter of Antiochus the great) a very subtile Woman: Who because she bore no Children, to make up that defect, contriv'd (unknown to her Husband) a suppositious Birth, as if she had Born two Sons, which were call'd Ariarathes and Holofernes. But not long after, she conceiv'd in reality, and unexpectedly was deliver'd of two Daughters and one Son call'd Mithridates. Upon this she acquainted her Husband with the Imposture, and so wrought with him that she prevail'd with him to send away the Eldest of the two Sons with a small Sum of Money to Rome, and the other into Ionia, lest they should challenge the Kingdom from him that was lawful Heir to the Crown; who after he came to Man's Estate (its said) was call'd Ariarathes, and was Educated in all the learning of Greece, and was a Person accomplish'd with all manner of Virtuous Endowments. That the Father (who was wonderfully belov'd by the Son) strove all he could to repay his Son's love again: And their mutual endear'd affections one towards another went so far, that the Father would have given up the whole Kingdom into the Hands of the Son, but the Son on the other side told him, he could not possibly accept of so great an advantage from living Parents. After therefore his Father dy'd he succeeded, spending the rest of his life very virtuously and in the study of Philosophy: So that Cappadocia which was before little known to the Grecians, was now a desireable place of Residence for all learned Men: He renew'd the League of Peace and Friendship with the Romans. And in this manner is the Pedegree of those that have hitherto reign'd in Cappadocia, brought down from Cyrus.

4. For Statues are made of such Romans as are of noble Families, in near resemblance of the Persons, and according to the whole proportion of their Bodies. For all their life long, they have some, who observe their Mien and Deportment, and the special remarks of every part exactly. Likewise every Mans Ancestor stands in that Habit, and in those Ornaments, (and is so clearly represented) that every one knows the Person as soon as he looks upon him, and to what degree of Honour every one was advanc'd, and what Share and Interest they had in the Commonwealth.

5. Memmius was sent General with an Army into Spain. But the Lusitanians just upon his Landing, fell upon him, and routed him, and cut off most of his Army. When this success of the Iberians was nois'd abroad, the Araucians (who look'd upon themselves to be far better Soldiers than the Iberians) slighted and contemn'd the Enemy, and upon this ground and confidence, chiefly it was that in their general Council they determined to make War upon the Romans.