The Library of History

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Page 744 converted the publick Treasure to their own private Use, and neglected the Service of the Gods.

22. Demonax of Mantinea, was the Arbitrator to allay the Sedition among the Cyrenians, a Person in great Honour and Esteem for his Wisdom and Justice. When he arriv'd at Cyrene all their differences were referr'd to him, and he reconcil'd the Cities one to another: upon these Terms and Conditions—

23. Lucius Tarquinius King of the Romans, being carefully educated from a Child, and much addicted to the Liberal Sciences, was much admir'd for his virtuous Qualifications by all; and therefore when he attain'd to Man's Estate, he was in great favour and much esteem with Ancus Martius then King of Rome, and together with the King, order'd and manag'd many of the weighty Affairs of the Kingdom. Being very Rich himself he liberally supply'd the wants of others, and was Courteous and Obliging to all, and therefore cry'd up greatly for his Wisdom.

24. Solon was the Son of Execestides; heb was an Athenian, and his Ancestors Inhabitants of the Island Salamis, for Wisdom and Learning he far excell'd all of his time; being Virtuously inclin'd from his Youth, he apply'd himself to the Study of the best Arts and Sciences: And having long inur'd himself to all sorts of Learning, he became the Great Master and Champion of every Virtue. For being under the care of the best Tutors from a Child, when he grew up to Man's estate he associated with such as were esteem'd the greatest Philosophers; upon the account of which Converse, he was esteem'd one of the Seven Wise Men, and was not only preferr'd before all the rest, but likewise before all others that were Eminent for their Wisdom. He was in great honour for making of Laws, and admir'd by all for his singular Prndence in his private Discourses and Answers, and giving of Counsel and Advice. When the Athenians grew Ionians in their Manners, and became in a high degree Luxurious and Effeminate, Solon by degrees gain'd them to the love of Virtue and Honourable Actions: For Hermodus and Aristogo, principled and instructed by his Laws and Discipline, overturn'd the Tyranny of Pisistratus.

25. There was one Myso of Malea living i a Town call'd Chenae, who lay most commonly in the Fields, obscure, unknown almost to every body, upon the Expelling of Periander the Corinthian for his Tyranny and Cruelty, was taken into the Society of one of the Seven Wise Men.

26. Chilo liv'd according to his Doctrine, which is a thing rare to be found: For we may see many Philosophers in our Age, who talk at a great rate, yet their Manners and Course of Life are Filthy and Abominable, who look and speak like grave and wise Men, yet by their actions give themselves the Lye. But Chilo, besides his virtuous Life all his Days, conceiv'd and utter'd many excellent things worthy of Remark.

27. Pittacus of Mytelene was a Man not only to be admired for his Wisdom, but was such a Citizen as Lesbos never before produc'd the like, nor ever like to be (as I think) any such after him▪ till it produce plenty of sweet Wine. For he was an excellent Law-maker, and Civil and Courteous towards all his Fellow-Citizens in all their Meetings and publick Assemblies, and freed his Country from three most grievous Calamities, Tyranny, Sedition, and War. He was a most prudent and courteous Man, ever ready to excuse other Men's faults; and therefore seem'd to be a Person perfectly Virtuous in every respect; for in making of Laws he was Prudent and Politick, Faithful to his Word, Valiant in War, and one that scorn'd corrupt Lucre and Gain.

28. The Prieneans say, That Bias having redeem'd from the hands of Robbers some Captive Messenian Virgins, Persons of considerable Quality, he took them into his own House, and honourably entertain'd them as his own Daughters: And when their Relations and Kinsdolk came to Perene to seek after them, he restor'd them to their Friends without taking any thing either for their Dyet or Redemption, but on the contrary presented them with many Gifts out of his own Estate: And therefore the Ladies lov'd him as their own Father both for his noble Entertainment, and the largeness of his Bounty; so that when they return'd home they were still mindful of his Kindness to them: And therefore when the Fishermen of Messenac drew up with their Nets nothing but a Brazen Tripode, whereon was inscrib'd these Words. To the Wisest, they procur'd it to be given to Bias. He was the most Rhetorical and Eloquent Man in his time; but far different from all others in the use he made of his Eloquence; for he was not Mercenary, or aim'd at Gain, but us'd it for the Relief of Men indistress, which is rare now to be found.

29. Cyrus the Son of Cambysis and Mandana Nephew to Astyagis King of the Medes, for Valour, Prudence, and other Virtues, excell'd all others in the age wherein he liv'd: for his Father gave him Royal Education, encouraging him to every thing that was high and brave: And even while he was a Boy he gave evident Tokens of his attempting great

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books