The Library of History

Index 13


  • Chap. 1. QUarrels about a Successor to Alexander. Aridaus made King. The Provinces divided amongst the Chief Commanders. Matters contain'd in Alexander's Note-Books. Meleager executed by Perdiccas. The Grecians revolt. A Description of Asia. Pithon sent against the Revolting Grecians, who were all cut off. The Lamian War: The Cause of it. Alexander's Epistle to the Exiles. Leosthenes the Athenian General. Lamia besieg'd. Leosthenes kill'd. Antiphilus plac'd in his room. 574
  • Chap. 2. Ptolemy gains Egypt: Leagues with Antipater. Lysimachus enters Thrace. Leonatus comes to Relieve Antipater, and is routed. The Grecians beaten at Sea. Perdiccas conquers Ariarathes Prince of Cappadocia, Crucifies him, delivers the Province to Eumenes. The Grecians quite routed by Craterus and Antipater. The Athenians at length submit after all the rest but the Aetolians. The End of the Lamian War. The War in Cyrene by Thimbro. Ophellas routs Thimbro. Cyrene gain'd by Ptolemy. Larinda sack'd. The Destruction of the Isaurians by themselves. Perdiccas affects the Kingdom of Macedon. Is oppos'd by Antigonus. The Etolians block'd up by Craterus and Antipater. Antigonus discover Perdiccas his Design. Peace made with the Etolians. Perdiccas marches against Ptolemy into Egypt. 580
  • Chap. 3. The Description of Alexander's Funeral Charriot. Ptolemy honour'd in Egypt. Perdiccas prepares for Egypt against Ptolemy. Eumenes beats Neoptolimus, who deserted. The Battel between Eumenes and Craterus, who was kill'd with Neoptolemus. Combat between Neoptolemus and Eumenes. Perdiccas comes into Egypt: Assaults the Fort call'd the Camel's Wall: His miserable Loss in the River Nile: Is kill'd. Ptolemy makes Arrideus and Pytho Protectors of the Kings. Eumenes condemn'd to die. The Etolians invade Thessaly. Polysperchon routs the Etolians. The Provinces again divided by Arrideus. Antigonus besieges Nora. Eumenes his Invention to Exercise the Horse. Ptolemy gains Syria and Phoenicia and Nicanor. 586
  • Chap. 4. Antigonus routs Alcitas in Pisidia, and takes Attalus. Alcitas receiv'd into Termessus, and there protected. He's murder'd there Treacherously; his Body inhumanly us'd by Antigonus. Antipater's Death. Antipater puts Demeas, one of the Athenian Ambassadors, to Death. Polysperchon made Chief in Macedonia. Cassander conspires to out him. Antigonus his Plots to be Sovereign of all. Arrideus secures himself in Phrygia: Besieges Cyzicum. Antigonus goes to raise it. Eumenes got out of Nora by Antigonus his Order. Antigonus his further Act. The various Fortunes of Eumenes. A Council in Macedonia call'd by Polysperchon against Cassander. The Decree of the Council. Polysperchon invites Olympias out of Epirus into Macedonia: Writes to Eumenes to join with the Kings. 593
  • Chap. 5. Polysperchon courts Eumenes to assist the Kings. Eumenes his Prudence amongst the Macedonian Captains. Ptolemy sends to the Captains and others not to assist Eumenes. Antigonus contrives to kill Eumenes; who marches into Phoenicia. Nicanor deceives the Athenians, and still keeps Munychia, and subtilly gets the Pyreum: Order'd by Olympias to deliver the Pyreum and Munychia to the Athenians, but he shifts it off. Alexander, Son of Polysperchon, enters Attica; secretly Corresponds with Nicanor, and displeases the Athenians. Phocion's hard Usage at his Trial in Athens, is Condemn'd, and Executed. Cassander arrives at the Pyreum. Polysperchon comes against him, but returns. Besieges Megalopolis, but is there much Damnifi'd; his Elephants spoil'd by a Stratagem. A Sea-Fight between Clitus and Nicanor. Nicanor beaten. Clitus afterwards routed by Nicanor, and is kill'd in his flight to Macedonia. Antigonus goes after Eumenes. Eumenes near losing his Army by the Breach of a Dyke in Babylonia. The Greek Cities revolt to Cassander. The Athenians make Peace with him. He kills Nicanor. 599

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books