The Library of History

Index 12


  • Chap 1. COnspiracies of the Cities against Alexander. The Athenians send Ambassadors to Alexander to beg Pardon. He's made General by the Amphictyons. Attalus kill'd by Alexander's Command. The Wickedness of of Bagoas. Darius commended. Raises Forces. A Description of Mount Ida. Alexander invades the Illyrians and others. Thebes besieg'd by Alexander and raz'd. The Miseries of Thebes. Prodigies. Alexander demands Demosthenes and others to be deliver'd up to him by the Athenians: their Answer. He returns into Macedonia: and Feasts his Soldiers. 521
  • Chap. 2. Alexander lands his Army in Asia. The Battel at Granicum. The Forces of the Persians and of Alexander. Alexander kills Spithrodates; near being kill'd by Rosaces. Miletus besieg'd and taken. Ada Queen of Caria meets Alexander. Halicarnassus Besieg'd, Taken, and Sack'd. The strange Act of the Macedonians. 528
  • Chap. 3. Mytelene taken by Memnon Darius his General; his Successes He dyes. Charidemus the Athenian unjustly put to Death by Darius. Alexander falls sick, recover'd by Philippus. Alexander seizes Alexander of Lyncestas upon his Mother's Letters. Alexander takes Issus. The Memorable Battel at Issus, where the Mother, Wife, two Daughters and Son of Darius were taken. Alexander's noble carriage towards them. Darius his Letters and Offers to Alexander. Darius prepares another Army. 533
  • Chap. 4. Alexander marches towards Aegypt; Besieges Tyre. Prodigies at Tyre. The Tyrians bind Apollo with golden chains. The Inventions of the Tyrians to defend themselves. The advancement of Ballomynus a poor Man to be King of Tyre. The Acts of Agis and Amyntas; Amyntas kill'd, and all his Soldiers. Alexander takes Gaza by Storm; presented by the Grecians. 538
  • Chap. 5 Alexander makes a Journey to the Temple of Jupiter Hammon. He's presented by the Cyreneans. The Description of the place about the Temple. The wonderful Properties of the Fountain Solis. The Building of Alexandria. Alexander's Answer to Darius his Ambassadors. Alexander passes over the River Tygris with great Hazard. The Preparations on both sides for Battel. The Persians routed at that famous Battel at Arbela. 542
  • Chap. 6. The Grecians conspire to Revolt. Memnon rebels in Thrace. Antipater marches against him. The Lacedemonians raise an Army; are routed by Antipater, and Agis their King kill'd. 547
  • Chap. 7. Alexander comes to Babylon. The wealth found there. Views his Troops at Sitacana. Enters Susa. The Riches there. Thence goes in the Country of the Uxians. Marches towards Persepolis. A Company of maim'd Greeks met Alexander; His Bounty to them. He takes Persepolis; gives it up to the Plunder of the Soldiers. The Riches of the Citadel of Persepolis. Alexander his Feast at Persepolis. Persepolis burnt at the Instigation of Thais. Darius murder'd. 548
  • Chap. 8. Bessus stirs up the Bactrians. Alexander discharges the Greek Auxiliaries with Rewards. The River Stidoetes. He enters Hircania; Its Richness: Enters the Mardis Country: Loses his brave Horse but is restor'd. Thalestris the Amazon Queen meets him. He falls into the Effeminacy of the Persians. Enters Drangina. A Plot against Alexander. Philotas and others put to Death. Marches against the Arimispi. Subdues Arachosia. 552
  • Chap. 9. Alexander marches against the Paromisades. His troublesom March. Comes to Mount Caucasus. A Battel in Area by Alexander's Officers against Satibarzanes, who is kill'd in a single Combat by Erigyus. Bessus brought to Alexander; his Punishment. Alexander kills some Barbarians unexpectedly after they had surrender'd their City. He marches to the River Indus. Mophis his remarkable delivery up of himself and his Army. 556
  • Chap 10. Alexander overcomes Porus. How Apes are taken. Strange Serpents for Venom. Large Trees Marches against the Andrastians, Catheri, and against Sopithes. The Custom of them under Sopithes. Indian Dogs. Entertain'd by Phigeus. The Macedonians refuse to march against the Gandarides. Alexander leaves Monuments behind him at the River Hyphasis. Nicaea built, and Bucephalis. The Ibori present Alexander. Routs the Agalasians. In Danger in the River Indus by Whirlpools. Marches against the Oxidracans and Mallians. The King leaps off the Wall into the Town. A Duel between Coragus and Dioxippus. The Sambestae submit to Alexander; and the Sodrans and Mastanians. Subdues Musicanus, Porticanus, and Sambus. Poison'd Weapons. The King's Dream. Comes into the Main Ocean. Comes into Gedrosia. The Savages of the People. His Army near perishing in Gedrosia. Comes into Carmania. Punishes the Bormcial Goremours. Nearchus returns. Islands cover'd at High-Tides. The strange Death of Calanus. Alexander marrieth Statira. Harpalus his Luxury. He seizes with his own Hand them that mutiny'd. 561
  • Chap. 11. Alexander mixes Twenty thousand Persian Darters with his Army-Marches from Susa. Bagistames breeds abundance of Horses. Hephestion dies at Ecbatana. The Lamian War. He invades the Cosscans. Marches towards Babylon. The Caldean Astrologers disswade him from coming thither. He enters Babylon. 569
  • Chap. 12. Ambassadors come to Alexander from all Parts. He buries Hephestion with great State. The Prodigies before Alexander's Death. His Death. Darius his Mother starves her self. 570

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books