The Library of History

Index 2


  • Chap. 1. NInus, the first King of Assyria, his Acts; invades Babylonia, Media, and over-runs several other Countries. Nineveh built by him; the Description of it; Marries Semiramis; Her Descent. Derceta, the Philistines Dagon. His Expedition against Bactria; He dies. Semitamis builds Babylon, and several strange Works there, as a Passage under Water, Jupiter's Temple, &c. Hanging Gardens in Babylon. A vast Stone cut out. The strange Property of a Morass. Her several Expeditions. The wonderful Lake in Ethiopia; Their Burials there. Semiramis's Expedition into India; Her Mock-Elephants. Her Expedition proves fruitless. She surrenders her Kingdom to Ninyas her Son: Her End. 53
  • Chap. 2. Ninyas succeeds Semiramis: His close and slothful manner of Life. The Reign of Sardanapalus: His Luxury and Effeminacy: His Epitaph: Deposed by Arbaces the Mede: And the Assyrian Empire overturn'd. Nineveh raz'd. 64
  • Chap. 3. Of the ancient Chaldeans, and their Philosophy. The Planets, and their Course. The Empire of the Medes, and their Kings. A Description of India. The ancient Manners and Customs of the People. Their Laws; Tribes; Description of Scythia. Of the Amazons. Of the Hyperboreans. 69
  • Chap. 4. A Description of Atabia the Desart. Happy, &c. Metals, Precious Stones, Beasts, &c. AD scription of Taprobana in the Southern Ocean, now call'd Ceylon or Zeilan: The strange Things there: How discover'd by Iambulus. 78

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books