The Library of History

Index 3


  • Chap. 1. OF the Ethiopians: Their Letters, Laws, Arms, Religion, Funerals: The Description of several Parts of the Country. Manner of making of Gold. Of the Icthyophages, their several sorts and ways of Living. 85
  • Chap. 2. Chelonophages: The manner of taking Sea-Tortoises: The Cetivores, or Whale-Eaters. The Sea-Coasts over-against Babylon; Their manner of taking of Fish. The Rizophages, or Root-Eaters. Those call'd Spermaphages, and Hylophages, Hylogones or Hunters, their taking of wild Beasts: The Elephant-Fighters; how they are taken: The Simoes, Struthophages, Acridophages or Locust Eaters; their miserable Deaths. Cynomolges. The Country of the Troglodites. Wild Beasts: The terrible wild Bull: Serpents; that great one brought alive to Alexandria. 94
  • Chap. 3. A Description of the Coasts and Countries on both sides the Arabian Gulf, or Red Sea. The Perfumes of Arabia the Happy. The Fortunate Islands. A Description of part of Lybia: The Spectras near the Syrtes. 102
  • Chap. 4. Of the Amazons of Africa: Their Acts: Rooted out by Hercules, and the Gorgonians by Perseus. The Atlantides, and the Gods among them. The Original of the Titanes. The Acts of Basilea, or Cybele, said to be born in Phrygia. The Original of Atlas and Saturn. A long Account given of Bacchus, and the several Bacchuses there were. The Description of the Grota in Nysa, where he was brought up. The building of the Temple of Hammon by him. The several Herculeses. The Monsters Aegides and Campes kill'd by Minerva and Bacchus. Page 110

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books