The Library of History

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Page 198 Cadmus afterwards (as he was commanded by the Oracle) built Thebes in Beotia; and Jasion marry'd Cybele, of whom they say he begat Coxybas; after Jasion was receiv'd into the Number of the Gods, Dardanus, Cybele and Coripas travelling into Phrygia brought over the sacred Mysteries of the Mother of the Gods into Asia; then Cybele Marry'd Olympus, the first, and bore Alces, and call'd this Godess Cybele after her own Name. Corybas call'd those that celebrated the sacred Mysteries of his Mother (in a furious Rage like Madmen) after his own Name, Corybantes, and marry'd Thebe the Daughter of Cilix; and thus Pipes were brought over into Phrygia, and Mercury's Harp into Lyrnesus; which when the City was taken, was carry'd, away by Achilles. It's reported likewise that Pluto was the Son of Jasion and Ceres, which rose from this real Truth, that Ceres at the Marriage of Haermonia bestowed upon Jasion upon the account of her Familiarity with him, rich Presents of Corn: But what are particularly acted in the Celebration of these sacred Mysteries, it's granted are only known by those that are initiated.

It's commonly said, that these Gods are always present, and afford their help and assistance to those that are Initiated, and call upon them, when they fall into any suddain and unexpected Distress; and that these Worshipers grow more and more Pious and Righteous, and still exceed themselves in Goodness; and therefore the most famous of the Ancient Heroes and Demygods greatly coveted to be initiated into these sacred Rites and Ceremonies: For it's believ'd, that Jasion, Dioscurus, Hercules and Orpheus (who were Members of this Society) through the favour of these Gods prosper'd in all their Wars.

Having now finish'd what concerns Samothracia, the Course of the History leads us to Naxus.

This Island was formerly call'd Strongyle. The Thracians were the first that setl'd here, upon the occasion following. It's said, that Boreas had two Sons, Butes and Lycurgus, of several Mothers. Butes the younger Plotted to Murther his Brother, which being plainly discover'd, the Father appointed no greater a Punishment to be Executed upon his Son, but only commanded him, with his Accomplices to take Shipping and be gone, and seek out for themselves some other Habitations: Upon which, Butes with a Number of Thrasians (his fellow Criminals) went aboard, and in a direct Course made their way through the Cyclade Islands, and arriv'd at Strongyle, and thus possess'd of the Island, robb'd all by their Piracies that pass'd that way. But being in want of Women, they rov'd about here and there, and forcibly carry'd them away where ever they could find them. Some of the Ciclade Islands at that time were wholly desolate, and others of them but very thinly inhabited. Running out therefore a long way off, and being repuls'd at Eubaea, they arriv'd at Thessaly; and there landing, they met with the Nurses of Bacchus at the Mountain call'd Diros, Celebrating the Mysteries of the Gods in Achaia Phthiotis; being then ready to seize upon the Women, some of them cast away their Offerings and fled to the Sea, and others to the Mountain before mention'd: But Butes seiz'd upon Coronides, and Ravish'd her, which dishonour she bore so hainously, that she call'd upon Bacchus to revenge her Disgrace, and thereupon he struck Butes with Madness, who in his Mad mood cast himself into a Pit and so perish'd. The rest of the Thracians seiz'd upon other Women, amongst whom were two Noble Ladies, Iphimedia the Wife of Aloeas, and his Daughter Pancratis; with these they return'd to Strongyle. In the room of Butes they Created Agassamenus King of the Island, and Marry'd him to Pancratis the Daughter of Aloeas, a Lady of an admirable Beauty: For (before whom he took her to be his Wife) Siculus and Hecaterus, two of the most eminent Commanders, fought a Duel, and Wounded one another. Agassamenus bestow'd Iphimedia upon one of his intimate Friends, whom he had made General of his Army. In the mean time Aloeas sent his two Sons, Otus and Ephialtes, to seek after his Wife and Daughter, who invading Strongyle, fought with the Thracians, routed 'em, and took the City by Storm. Not long after Pancratis dy'd, Otus and Ephialtes possess'd themselves of the Island, and ousted the Thracians, and call'd it Dia. Shortly after they fell out and fought a set Battel, wherein many were kill'd on both sides, and the two Brothers kill'd one another, whom the Inhabitants afterwards ador'd as Demygods. After the Thracians had held the Island for above two hundred Years, at length a Drought and Famin forc'd 'em to leave the Place. After them the Carians (being expuls'd Lamia) possess'd themselves of it, whose King Naxus, the Son of Polemon, afterwards order'd the Island should be call'd Naxus, after his own Name. This

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books