The Library of History

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Page 199 Naxus was a very famous and good Man, and left behind him a Son, call'd Leucippus, whose Son Smardius afterwards reign'd in the Island; in whose Reign Theseus coming out of Crete with Ariadne, landed here; and in his Sleep saw Bacchus threatning him with Ruin, if he did not forsake Ariadne; with which Vision being terrify'd, he left her, and withdrew himself out of the Island. Then Bacchus in the Night led away Ariadne to the Mountain Arius, and then immediately disappear'd, and not long after Ariadne was no more seen.

The Naxians have many Stories amongst them concerning this God; for they say he was bred up with 'em, and therefore that this Island was lov'd by Bacchus more than any other, and by some call'd Dionysiades. For Jupiter (as the Story goes) (Semele before the Birth of Bacchus, being struck with a Thunderbolt) took the Infant Bacchus out of his Mother's Womb, and clapt him within his Thigh: But when the full time of his Birth was at Hand, to conceal him from Juno, he was brought forth in Naxus, and there committed to the care of the Nymphs, Philias, Coronidis and Cleidis, to be educated by them; and that Semele was therefore before his Birth kill'd by Lightning, to the end that Bacchus not being born of a Mortal, but of Two immortal Deities, might from his Birth be of an Immortal Nature. Upon the account therefore of the kindness shew'd him in his Education, he express'd his gratitude to the Inhabitants so far, as that he advanc'd them to a high degree of Wealth and Power, and furnish'd them with a brave Fleet of Ships; and that they being the first that made a defection from Xerxes, (they say) he assisted 'em to vanquish the Barbarians in a Sea-Fight, and that he gave a clear Evidence and Token of his Concern with them in the Battel at Platea; and that the excellency of their Wine, was an apparent demonstration of the Kindness of this God to their Island.

The First that inhabited Syme (which before lay waste and desolate) were those that came thither with Triops, under the Conduct of Chthonius, the Son of Neptune and Symes, from whom the Island was so call'd.

Nireus, the Son of Charopus and Aglaies, was in after-times King of this Island; he was a very comely and beautiful Man, and went along with Agamemnon to the War against Troy; and together with this Island, was Lord of Cnidus.

After the end of the Trojan War, the Carians possessed themselves of this Place at such time as they were Masters at Sea; afterwards forc'd thence by an excessive Drought, they settl'd themselves in Ʋranium. From that time it lay desolate, till the Fleet of the Lacedemonians and Argives arriv'd there, and then it was Planted with new Colonies in this manner.

Nausus, one of the Companions of Hippotas, taking along with him those that came too late, at the time when the Country was divided by lot, possessed himself of Syme, which then lay desolate, and afterward receiv'd others (that came there under the Conduct of Xuthus) to share with him both in the Priviledges of the City, and Commodities of the Country, and possess'd the Island equally among them. They say, that both Cnidians and Rhodians made up part of this Colony.

The Cares anciently possess'd Calydna and Nisyrus; and afterwards Thessalus, the Son of Hercules, was Lord of both the Islands; and therefore Antiphus and Philippus Kings of Coos (when they were ingag'd in the War of Troy) were Generals of those Forces that were sent out of these Islands. In their return from the Trojan War, Four of Agamemnon's Ships were by a Storm cast upon Calydna, and the Men that were on Board, continu'd there intermixt with the other Inhabitants. But the ancient Inhabitants of Nisyrus, were swallow'd up by an Earthquake. After which, the Coons added it to their Dominion, as they had done Calydna before. After them, the Rhodians sent a Colony thither; all the former Inhabitants being wholly swept away with a Plague.

As for Carpathus, that was first seiz'd upon by some of Minos his Soldiers, at such time as he was Master at Sea, and lorded it over the Grecians. Many Ages after, Ioclus, the Son of Thymoleon of Argos, by the Command of the Oracle, brought over a Colony thither.

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books