The Library of History

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Page 201 Murdered by his Brothers; Upon discovery of the Fact, both the principal. Authors and their Accomplices fled for it.

Macer got to Lesbos, and Candalus to Coos. Actis fled into Egypt, and there built Heliopolis, calling it after the Name of his Father; and from him the Egyptians learnt the Science of Astrology.

Afterwards, when most of the Inhabitants of Greece were destroy'd by the Flood, and all Records and ancient Monuments perish'd with them; the Egyptians took this occasion to appropriate the study of Astrology solely to themselves; and whereas the Grecians (through Ignorance) as yet valu'd not Learning, it became a general Opinion, that the Egyptians were the first that found out the Knowledge of the Stars.

And so even the Athenians themselves, though they built the City Sais in Egypt, yet by reason of the Flood, were led into the same Error of forgetting what was before. And therefore it's believ'd, that many Ages after, Cadmus the Son of Agenor, brought the Knowledge of Letters out of Phaenicia first into Greece; and after him, it's suppos'd the Grecians themselves added some Letters to those they learn'd before; but a general Ignorance however still prevailed amongst them.

Triopas, another Son, past over into Caria, and possessed himself of the Promontory there, call'd from him Triopium. The rest of Sol's Sons, having had no hand in the Murder, staid behind in Rhodes; and afterwards built the City Achaia, and dwelt in Ialysia. But the Regal Power was in Ochymus the Eldest Son, who marry'd Hegetoria, one of the Nymphs, and of her begat a Daughter call'd Gydippe, who afterwards went by the Name of Cyrbias, by marrying of whom Cercaphis his Brother came to the Kingdom; after whose Death, Three of the Sons, Lindus, Ialysus and Camirus reign'd together; in whose time a great Inundation laid Cyrbe waste and desolate. These Three Brothers divided the Country amongst themselves, and each built a City, and call'd them after their own Names.

At this time Danaus fled out of Egypt with his great number of Daughters, and landed at Lindus in Rhodes; where being receiv'd by the Inhabitants, he built a Temple to Minerva, and consecrated to her an Altar. During this Travel of Danaus, Three of his Daughters dy'd in Lindus, and the rest pass'd over with their Father to Argos.

Not long after, Cadmus, the Son of Agenor, being commanded by the King to seek after Europa, made for Rhodes; and in the Voyage being overtaken with a violent Storm, made a Vow to build a Temple to Neptune. Having therefore escap'd the danger (according to his Vow) he dedicated a Temple to this God in the Island, and left some of the Phaenicians to be Overseers of the Sacred Mysteries, who were made Members of the City with the Ialysians, and out of their Families (they say) from time to time were chosen the Priests. Cadmus at that time devoted many rich Gifts to Minerva Lindia, amongst which, was a Brass Cauldron, a most excellent piece of curious ancient Workmanship; it had an Inscription upon it in Phaenician Letters; which were therefore called Phaenician, because (they say) they were first brought out of Phaenicia into Greece.

In after-times, vast Serpents bred in Rhodes, which destroy'd many of the Inhabitants; those therefore that remain'd, sent to Delos, to consult the Oracle what was to be done for the removal of the present Calamity they suffer'd under, who return'd answer, That they should admit Phorbas and his Followers to share with them in the Island. He was the Son of Lapithas, and was then with many of his Friends in Thessaly, seeking for a convenient Place wherein to settle themselves. The Rhodians hereupon (according to the direction of the Oracle) sent for Phorbas, and receiv'd him as a Proprietor with them in the Island, who destroy'd all the Serpents, and freed the Country from their former fears; and from thenceforth continu'd in Rhodes, and was after his Death ador'd as a Demy-God, having approv'd himself a Good Man in several other respects.

Afterwards Althaemenes the Son of Catreus King of Crete, consulting the Oracle concerning some Affairs, was answer'd, that it would be his Fate to kill his own Father; to avoid which Misfortune, he voluntarily forsook Crete, with many others who of their own accord went along with him, and pass'd over to Camirus, the Metropolis of Rhodes, and there built a Temple upon Mount Atamirus,

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books