The Library of History

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Page 202 to Jupiter Atamirus, which is in great Veneration and Esteem at this Day. It's situated upon the very Top of the Mountain, whence may be had a clear Prospect of Crete. Althamenes with his Followers, thus setl'd in Camirus, liv'd in great Honour and Esteem among the Citizens. But his Father Catreus having no issue Male, and exceedingly loving his Son, undertook a Voyage to Rhodes, longing to find out his Son, and bring him back to Crete.

And now his unalterable Destiny was near at Hand, for landing at Rhodes in the Night, with some others of his Attendants, forthwith there was a Conflict between them and the Islanders; whereupon Althamenes run in hastily to their Assistance, and (unknown to him) kill'd his Father with a Dart; which when he came to understand, he was so overwhelm'd with Sorrow, he ever after avoided all manner of Society, and wander'd up and down in the Deserts, and at last dy'd of Grief: But by the Command of the Oracle he was afterwards honour'd by the Rhodians as a Demy-God.

After this, a little before the Trojan War, Tlepolimus the Son of Hercules, fled voluntarily from Argos, by reason of his Killing of Licymnius, whom he slew unawares; and upon inquiry having receiv'd an Answer from the Oracle concerning the planting of a Colony, he pass'd over with a few People into Rhodes, where being receiv'd, he settled: And being afterwards created King of the Island, he divided the Country into equal Shares by Lot; and during his Reign, order'd all other Matters according to the Rules of Justice and Equity. At length preparing to go along with Agamemnon, in the Expedition against Troy, he committed the Government into the Hands of Butas, who fled with him from Argos. And after he had gain'd much Glory and Renown in that War, he dy'd in the Country of Troas.

Now because some things of Chersonesus, are intermix'd with the Affairs of Rhodes, over against which it lyes, we conceive it not amiss here to give an account of it. Some are of Opinion it's call'd Chersonesus, from the nature of the Place, being like to an Istmus, or as others write, from one Chersonesus, once a Petty Prince there. Not long after whose time (it's said) Five of the Curetes came there; which Curetes were the Posterity of those that brought up Jupiter (born of the Mother Goddess Rhea) in the Mountains of Ida in Crete. After their arrival in Crete (with a considerable Navy) they expell'd the Cares, the ancient Inhabitants, and divided the Country into Five Parts, and each of them built a City, and call'd them after their own Names.

Not long after, Inachus King of Argos, sent Cyrnus, one of his Noblemen and Commanders, with a considerable Fleet, to find out his Daughter Io, and not to return till he found her. After he had rov'd about into several Parts of the World, and could not find her, he at length arriv'd at Caria in Chersonesus, and there settled himself, despairing ever to return to his own Country; and afterwards partly by Force, and partly by Perswasions, he reign'd as King over part of the Country, and built a City, and call'd it Cyrnus, after his own Name; and govern'd so well, to the advancement of the publick Good, that he was greatly belov'd and honour'd by the Citizens.

Afterwards Triopas, one of the Sons of Sol and Rhoda, fled into Chersonesus, for the Killing of his Brother: But being cleared and acquitted by King Melisseus, he sayl'd into Thessaly, to the assistance of Deucalion's Sons, and helpt to expel the Pelasgians thence, and they divided the Country call'd Dotion among them. He there cut down the Grove of Ceres, and made use of it for the Building of himself a Palace; for which he was hated of the People, and forc'd to fly out of Thessaly, and sayl'd away with some of his Followers to Cnidia; where he built a City call'd after his own Name Triopium. Leaving this Place, he gain'd Chersonesus, and a great part of Caria adjoining to it.

Many Writers, and especially the Poets, much differ about the Descent of Priopas. Some derive his Descent from Canace (the Daughter of Aeolus) and Neptune, others say, his Parents were Lapitha, the Son of Apollo, and Stibes the Daughter of Pineus. In Castabus in Chersonesus, there's a Temple dedicated to Hemithea; what is remarkable concerning her, is not fit to be omitted. Although there are many various Stories related of her, yet we shall only give an Account of what is generally granted and agreed upon by the Inhabitants to be true.

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books