The Library of History

Page 203

Page 203 Staphylus and Chrysothemides had Three Daughters, Molpadia, Rhoeo and Parthenos. Rhoeo was got with Child by Apollo, at which her Father was so incens'd, thinking she had play'd the Whore with some Mortal Man, that he lockt her up in a Chest, and threw her into the Sea, and the Chest was afterwards cast up upon the Island Delos, where she was deliver'd of a Son, whom she nam'd Arrius. Being thus wonderfully preserv'd, she laid the Child upon the Altar of Apollo, and pray'd to him, that if he was the Child's Father, he would save and defend the Infant: Upon which the Story goes, that Apollo hid the Child; but afterwards took care to have him carefully brought up, and endued him with a Prophetick Spirit, and advanc'd him to great Honour and Reputation.

Molpadia and Parthenos, the other Sisters, having the Charge of their Father's Wine (the use of which was then but newly found out) with Drinking too much, fell fast asleep; in the mean time, a Sow which they fed, coming into the Place, threw down the Hogshead and spilt all the Wine. When the poor Ladies perceiv'd what was done, they so dreaded the Severity of their Father, that they fled to the Sea Shoar, and threw themselves headlong from the Top of a high Rock into the Sea: But Apollo for the sake of their Sister, took them up safe, and brought them to some Cities in Chersonesus. Where Parthenos at Bubastus was ador'd as a Goddess, and had a Temple erected in honour to her.

Molpadia was brought to Castabus, and for the special Revelations she had from the God, she was call'd Hemithea, and was in great honour and esteem among all the Chersonesians. In the Celebration of her Mysteries, (in remembrance of the Misfortune concerning the Wine) they offer Drink-Offerings of Water and Honey mixt together; and he that has toucht a Swine, or eaten of Swines-Flesh, is not permitted to enter into her Temple.

This Temple of Hemithea, in following times grew so Famous, that not only the Inhabitants ador'd it, but Strangers far and near resorted to it with great Devotion, and with many rich Presents and magnificent Sacrifices; and that which is most observable is, that the very Persians themselves when they destroy'd all other Temples throughout all Greece, only spar'd the Temple of Hemithea. Thieves and Robbers likewise that spoyl and waste all before them, have still from time to time spar'd this Temple, though it stand open and naked, without the defence of a Wall to secure it. They say, that the Cause of the flourishing Condition of this Place is, the great Kindness of this Goddess to all Men whatsoever; for she appears to those that are sick, in their Sleep, and directs them to proper Remedies for the recovery of their Health; sach as are in desperate Distempers, and resort thither, she perfectly cures and restores. Women likewise that are in hard Labour, she safely delivers, and frees from the pains and hazards of Child-bearing, and therefore that Temple is full of ancient Relicts and Donations safely kept and preserv'd to this Day, not by Guards or Walls, but only by the Religious Devotion observed in this Place.

But let this suffice concerning Rhodes and Chersonesus; it remains we should now treat of Crete.