The Library of History

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Page 211 and Advantage of such things as they themselves had found out and invented. For Ceres sail'd into Attica, and from thence into Sicily, and at length into Egypt; in which Places, after she had deliver'd them Corn, and taught them how to sow it, she was highly honour'd amongst them: So Venus dwelt near Eryx in Sicily, in the Island Cythera, at Paphus in Cyprus, and in Syria in Asia; and because she was often seen, and continu'd long among the Inhabitants of these Places, she was call'd Venus Erycina, Cytherea, Paphya and Syria. Apollo likewise continu'd long in Delos, Lycia and Delphos; and Diana in Ephesus, Pontus, Persia and Crete; and therefore from the Places and things done there by them, Apollo was call'd Apollo Delius, Lycius and Pythius; and she was stiled Diana Ephesia of Cresia, Tauropolia and Persia; although both of them were born in Crete.

This Goddess Diana is highly honour'd by the Persians, and the same Mysteries and Sacrifices that are celebrated and offered to her by others, the Barbarians themselves at this very day, celebrate in honour of Diana Persia. To this purpose they give an Account of the rest of the Gods, which as they are easie for the Reader to understand, so they are too tedious for us to recite.

Moreover they say, that many Ages after the Birth of the Gods, there were many Heroes among them, of whom the most Eminent were Minos and Rhadamanthus, who were the Progeny of Jupiter and Europa (the Daughter of Agenor) whom they report by the Providence of the Gods, to be carried over into Crete upon the Back of a Bull. Minos they say, who was the Elder, obtain'd the Kingdom, and built in the Island many Cities; amongst which, Three were most Famous; Gnosius, situated in that part of the Island that look'd towards Asia; Phaetus, lying Southward upon the Shoar; and Cidonia situated in the Western Part over against Peloponesus. Many Laws they say, were made by him for the Government of the Cretians, receiving them from Jupiter his Father, who us'd to converse with him privately in a Cave. He had a great Fleet, and conquer'd many of the Islands, and was the first of the Greeks that gain'd the Dominion of the Seas; and after he had arriv'd to a high pitch of Glory and Honour by reason of his Justice and Valour, he dy'd in Sicily, in undertaking a War against Cocalus, of which we have before given a particular Narrative, when we treated of the Affairs of Daedalus, who was the occasion of this War.

Rhadamanthus they say, was the most Just Man in the World, for in executing of Justice upon Thieves, Robbers and other Impious and Wicked Persons, he was inexorable.

They report likewise, that he gain'd several Islands, and many of the Maritime Coasts of Asia, all voluntarily submitting to him upon the account of his eminent Justice. He gave the Kingdom to Erythro, one of his Sons, who call'd themselves Erythri, from him. To Oenopion the Son of Minos and Ariadna, they say he allotted Chius: Others say, he was the Son of Bacchus, and was taught how to make Wine by his Father.

He rewarded likewise each of his Captains, either with some Island or City: Upon Thoantes he bestow'd Lemnos; on Engyeus, Cyrnus; to Pamphilus he gave Peparathus; to Euambeus, Maronea; to Alcaeus, Parus; to Arrion, Delus; to Andreus the Island Andros, so call'd after his Name.

And because he was so remarkably Just, he's feign'd to be the Judge of Hell; and to distinguish between the Pious and Impious, the Good and the Bad: They say likewise that Minos is Copartner with him in that dignity, upon the account of his Uprightness, and his just and righteous Reign.

Sarpadon, the Third Brother, they say, past over with an Army into Asia, and possest himself of Lycia and the Neighbouring Territories. His Son Evander succeeded him in the Kingdom of Lycia, who marrying Deidamia, the Daughter of Bellerophon, of her begat Sarpedon, who went to the Trojan War with Agamemnon, and is call'd by some the Son of Jupiter. Deucalion and Molus (they say) were the Sons of Minos: Deucalion had a Son call'd Idomeneus, and Molus another nam'd Merion, who (as is said) assisted Agamemnon against Troy with a Fleet of Fourscore Sail, and afterwards return'd and dy'd in their own Country, and were honourably bury'd and ador'd as Gods: They show their Sepulcher in Gnosus, whereon is this Inscription.

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books