The Library of History

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Idomeneus in this Tomb doth lye,
Who born in Gnosus was; and him hard by,
I Son of Molus rest, Merion call'd.

These Two are ador'd as Demy-Gods by the Cretians, for they offer Sacrifice to them, and in their Wars call upon them for aid and assistance.

Having given an Account of these things, it remains we should now speak of the Nations that are intermixt with the Cretians. That the Aeteocretians were the first Inhabitants of this Island, and reputed to have been there from the beginning, we have before declar'd. Many Ages after, the Pelasgi planted among them a Nation inur'd continually to Arms, and wandring up and down from their ancient Habitations, seiz'd upon that part of the Island where they landed.

The Third Nation that came thither (they say) were the Dorienses, under the Conduct of Teutamus, one of the Posterity of Dorus. It's said the greatest part of his Colony he brought from the Neighbouring Parts of Olympus, and some part from the Achaians in Laconia; for that Dorus gather'd his Colony out of the Parts and Territories near to Malea.

A Fourth sort of People that pour'd into Crete, were a promiscuous Company of Barbarians from several Parts round about, who notwithstanding in process of time, spoke the same Language with the ancient Cretians, the natural Inhabitants. But after the power of Minos and Rhadamanthus became prevalent and considerable, all these Nations were reduc'd into one Body, as one People throughout the whole Island. And at length after the return of the Heraclidae, the Argives and Spartans sent Colonies, and possess'd themselves likewise of other Islands, and both in this and those other built several Cities, of which we shall treat more fully in due and proper time.

But since that almost all the Historians of the Cretian Affairs, differ among themselves, it's not to be wonder'd at if we do not agree with them all in every thing we relate; for we follow them who give the most probable Account, and are esteem'd to be of most credit. For sometimes we follow Epimenides the Theologist, and sometimes Dosiadas, Sosicrates and Leosthenidas.

Having therefore treated thus largely of Crete, we shall now apply our selves to speak of Lesbos.

This Island was anciently inhabited by many several Nations one after another, by reason it was so often left and forsaken: The first that seis'd upon it, were the Pelasgi when it lay desert and uninhabited. For Xanthus the Son of Triopas Prince of the Pelasgians that came from Argos, seated himself in a part of Lycia, which he had possessed himself of, and there reign'd over the Pelasgians that came thither with him; whence he sail'd over to Lesbos, which at that time lay desolate, and divided the Country amongst the People, and call'd the Island Pelasgia, which before was call'd Isa.

In process of time, after the Seventh Generation, many People were destroy'd by Deucalion's Flood, and Lesbos likewise at that time was by Chataracts of Showers laid waste and desolate. But afterwards Macarius happening to touch there, and considering the pleasantness of the Island, there seated himself.

This Macarius was the Son of Crinacus, the Son of Jupiter (as Hesiod and some other of the Poets say) and dwelt in the City Olanus, then call'd Jados, and now Achaia.

He got together a great Company of Ionians, and multitudes from several other Nations flockt in to him; in the first place he possessed himself of Lesbos; afterwards growing more powerful, through the richness of the Island, and his own Justice and Humanity, he gain'd many Neighbouring Islands, and divided the Lands amongst his Countrymen and Followers.

About that time Lesbos, the Son of Lapithas, the Son of Eolus, the Son of Hippotas (by the Direction of the Oracle at Delphos) arriv'd in this Island with new Colonies, and marrying Methymna the Daughter of Macareus, seated himself

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books