The Library of History

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Page 213 and his Followers there, and injoy'd an equal Interest with them that were there before him; and afterwards becoming a Man of great Renown, he call'd the Island Lesbos, after his own Name, and the People Lesbians: For Macareus had Two Daughters, Mytylene and Methymna, from whom two of the chiefest Cities of the Island were so call'd.

Macareus having a design to possess himself of some of the neighbouring Islands, ordered one of his Sons to carry over a Colony first into Chius; afterwards he sent another into Samos, nam'd Cycholaus, who seated himself there, and divided the Lands by Lot amongst those of his Colony, and rul'd over them as King. The Third Island Peopl'd by Macareus, was Coos, over which he appointed Neander King.

After this, he sent a large Colony with Leucippus into Rhodes, whom the Rhodians (by reason of the small number of Inhabitants that were left among them) willingly receiv'd, and suffered them to have and injoy the Lands equally with them.

But about that time, the Continent over against these Islands, lay under most pressing and grievous Calamities by reason of the late Flood; for in regard all the Fruits of the Earth by the Inundation and Excess of Rain were rotted and spoil'd for a long time together, Famine exceedingly prevail'd, and through Corruption of the Air, Plague and Pestilence depopulated and laid the Towns and Cities waste. But in the mean time, the Islands lying more open to the Winds, and so partaking of their healthful Gales, were loaded with the Fruits of the Earth, and the Inhabitants had fulness of all things, and in a short time were in a happy and prosperous State and Condition; and by reason of the great Plenty that was amongst them, they were call'd the Islands of the Blessed, or The Blessed Islands. But some say, that they were call'd the Macarean Islands, from Macareas and Ion, two Sons of one of the Princes that formerly rul'd there. And indeed these Islands for richness of Soyl and plenty of all things, did not only excel all the neighbouring Countries in ancient Time, but do so even to this Day. For the fertility of the Soyl, the pleasantness of the Situation, and the healthfulness of the Climate is such, that they are not without cause call'd, but are really and in truth, Blessed and Happy Islands.

Lastly, Macareus King of Lesbos, made the first Law among them, which was so beneficial and advantagious to the Publick, that he gave it the Name of the Lion, because of the strength and force of that Beast.

A considerable time after this Colony planted in Lesbos, another was brought into the Island Tenedos in this manner.

Tennes was the Son of Cyrnus, King of Colone in Troas, and was a Man renown'd for his Valour; he brought over a Colony out of the opposite Continent, and possess'd himself of the Island Leucophrys, at that time desolate.

After he had divided the Country by Lot amongst his Subjects, and had built a City, he call'd it Tennus, after his own Name. By his good and upright Government he gain'd upon the Hearts of his People, and was highly honour'd while he liv'd, and after his Death was ador'd as a Demy-God: For they built a Temple in honour of him, and offered Sacrifices to him as a God: Which Religious Veneration was continu'd to Times not long since. But we are not here to omit what the Islanders report concerning Tennes, the Founder of the City Tenedos. They say that Cygnus, the Father of Tennes, giving Ear to the false Suggestions and Calumniations of his Wife, lockt his Son in a Chest, and caus'd him to be thrown into the Sea, and that the Chest was cast up by the Waves upon Tencdos; and being thus strangely preserv'd by the special Providence of God, became King of the Island, and afterwards growing renown'd for his Justice and other eminent Virtues, he was at length honour'd and ador'd as a God. And because his Stepmother hir'd a Piper by a false Oath to support her own Calumny, it's a Law amongst them of Tenedos, That no Piper shall come into the Temple.

Afterwards when Tennes, was kill'd by Achilles in the time of the Trojan War, and Tenedos then laid wast by the Grecians, the Tenedeans, made another Law, that it should not be lawful so much as once to name Achilles in Tennes his Temple. These are the things related of Tenedos and it's ancient Inhabitanas.

Having now given an Account of the most considerable Islands, we shall proceed in the next place to the lesser.

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books