The Library of History

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Page 238 oppos'd the repairing of the Walls, so they would with all their power and might obstruct the making of the Port.

He sent therefore Embassadors to Sparta, who should let them know how much it tended to the advantage of Greece, in case of future Invasions by the Grecians, to have in some Place or other a commodions Haven. By this Contrivance giving a check and stop to any hasty opposition by the Lacedemonians, he forthwith sets upon the Work. And all Hands being imployed in the business, the Port was finished upon a suddain, and beyond all expectation. Then he advis'd the People that they would add Twenty Gallies more every Year to the Fleet they had, and that they would priviledge with freedom from all Impositions all Strangers and Artificers, that by that means both the City might become Populous, and store of Workmen and Tradesmen might be had with little pains; for he conceiv'd both necessary, not only for the increase, but the support of their power at Sea: And thus the Athenians were imploy'd.

The Lacedemonians now commanded Pausanias who was their General at Platea, to free the Greek Cities from the Persian Garrisons which still remain'd amongst them; whereupon he sail'd from Peloponesus (with Fifty Gallies, and from Athens with Thirty, of which Aristides was Admiral) to Cyprus, and there deliver'd the Cities from the Garrisons that were fixt amongst them. Thence sailing back to the Hellespont, he took Byzantium, then under the Persian Yoke, and freed the City; some of the Barbarians being put to the Sword, and others taken Prisoners; amongst whom, some of the Persians of great Quality were taken and deliver'd to the care and custody of Gongylus of Eretria, under pretence to reserve them for Punishment, but in truth to return them safe to Xerxes: For he had contracted a private Confederacy with the King, and was to marry the King's Daughter for his Reward, in undertaking to betray Greece. All these Matters were transacted by Messengers and Interpreters between him and Artabazus the Persian General, who secretly fed Pansanias with Money, with which he corrupted such Grecians as were for his Purpose.

But the Treason was discover'd, and the Author fell under just Punishment in this manner: Giving himself up to Persian Luxury and Excess, and carrying it with great Insolency and Tyranny towards those that were committed to his Charge, all highly resented his Pride and Haughtiness, especially those that had born any Office and place of Magistracy in the Commonwealth. The Souldiers therefore every where murmuring, and in all their Meetings, complaining one to another of these things, and of the Pride and Tyranny of Pausanias, the Peloponesians at length deserted him, and return'd into their own Country, and sent Messengers to Sparta, to accuse him.

But Aristides the Athenian making use of the present occasion in all publick Meetings and Assemblies, stirr'd up the Cities, and by fair and smooth Words so far wrought, as to prevail with them to put themselves under the Protection of the Athenians. And that which help'd forward the matter to the advantage of the Athenians was this that follows. Pausanias had agreed with Artabazus, that he should not suffer any to return that brought him Letters from himself, lest their Intreagues should be discovered: Whereupon all such Messengers were kill'd to prevent their Return; which being taken notice of, and suspected by one imploy'd in that Affair, he open'd the Letters deliver'd to him, and by the Contents being now confirm'd in his former Opinion of the Destruction of the other Letter-Carriers, he deliver'd the Letters to the Ephori; who not being fully satisfied of the truth by those Letters which were very dark; but insisting upon further and clearer Evidence, the Messenger told them he would find out a way how they might convict him of his Treason, by Testimony out of his own Mouth.

Whereupon the Messenger forthwith went to Tenarus, to pay his Devotion in the Temple of Neptune, where he wrought a double Tent, one within another, within one of which were conceal'd some of the Ephori and other Spartans. Pausanias hastens

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books