The Library of History

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Page 239 thither, and inquires of him, what was the ground and cause of his Earnestness in his Addresses; who complain'd, that he by his Letters had determin'd his Death notwithstanding his Innocency. Upon which, Pausanias declar'd he was very sorry for what he had done, and begg'd his Pardon, and entreated him to conceal the matter, and promised he would bountifully reward him: And so they parted.

But the Ephori and those with them took little notice at that time of the business; but a while after, the Lacedemonians with the authority of the Ephori, consulted together to seize him, and bring him to his Tryal; which he foreseeing, fled to the Temple of Minerva Chalcidica.

The Lacedemonians being at a stand, whether it were lawful for them to force him out of the Temple, it's said his Mother went thither, and plac'd a Tile she brought with her before the Gate of the Temple, and without doing or saying any other thing, return'd to her own House; which when the Lacedemonians understood (according to the Mother's Sentence) they made up the Gate of the Temple, and by this means he was famish'd to Death. His Body indeed was deliver'd to his Friends to be bury'd; but the Deity was highly incens'd for the Violation of the Sanctuary: For when the Spartans went to enquire at the Oracle of Delphos, concerning some other matters, they were commanded to restore the Suppliant to the Goddess: Which Command being impossible for them to observe, there were many and great Consultations among 'em what was best to be done. At length they came to this Resolve, to set up and dedicate Two Brazen Statues of Pausanias in the Temple of Minerva, which was done accordingly.

And now according to our usual manner, through the whole Course of our History, as we have used to advance the just Praises of them that were vertuous and deserving, and on the other hand, to perpetuate the dishonourable Actions (after their Deaths) of such as acted wickedly, so we shall not let pass the detestable Malice and Treason of Pausanias, without Censure. For who could not but admire the madness of this Man? who after his Victory obtain'd at Platea, and by other noble Actions, being grown so deservedly famous and popular among the the Grecians, did not only neglect to preserve what honour and authority he had gain'd, but in a sordid manner (thirsting after the Riches and effeminate Delights of the Persians,) wickedly stain'd all his former Glory by Treason. Grown proud by success, he grew weary of the plain Laconian way of Living, and gave himself up to the Luxury, Voluptuousness, and softness of the Persians, whom it less became of all other Men to imitate. For he knew (not by relation from others) but by his own Experience, how much the severe Discipline of his own Country did exceed the soft Manners of the other, as to the advancement of Vertue and Courage: And therefore his Treason not only brought upon himself just punishment, but likewise was the occasion that all his fellow Citizens were deprived of the Admiralty at Sea.

For the great care and integrity of Aristides in the management of Martial Affairs being taken notice of, as likewise his Courtesie and Moderation towards all that were under his Command (and that managed with an apparent demonstration of all manner of Virtuons Qualities) all with one consent chose to subject themselves to the Athenians. The Captains and Officers therefore sent from Sparta, no longer regarding Pausanias, but all admiring Aristides, submitted in every thing to him, by which means he got the Sovereignty of the Sea without Blows.

Aristides therefore forthwith propounds to his Confederates, That it might be decreed by the general Consent of the People in their Publick Assemblies, that from thenceforth a common Fond or Treasury should be appointed at Delos, where all the Money collected for publick Service should be kept. In pursuance of which Counsel, for the better managing of the War against the Persians (wherewith they were then threatned) all the Cities were commanded to contribute according to their several Abilities; which was so liberally done, as the Sum amounted to no less than Five Hundred and Sixty Talents; which he so equally and justly disposed of (being made Lord Treasurer) that he gain'd the entire consent and approbation of all the Cities to whatsoever he thought fit to be done.

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books