The Library of History

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Page 251 Lives of many others; the People not able longer to endure his Cruelties, made a general Defection, and rose up in Arms, to procure their Liberty by the Sword, and shake off that Yoke of Slavery and Tyranny they were under. Thrasibulus seeing the whole City of Syracuse in Arms against him, first endeavour'd to cool them by fair words; but when he saw they were so incens'd, that there was no opposing them, he rais'd Forces from Catana, a Colony not long before plac'd there by Hiero, and by other Confederates and Mercenaries, he got together an Army of Fifteen Thousand Men, and possessed himself of that part of the City call'd Acridina, and the Island which was strongly Fortify'd, from whence he made many Sallies and Incursions upon the Enemy.

The Syracusians at first kept that part of the City call'd Ithica, and from thence annoy'd Thrasibulus: And sent Embassadors to Gela, Agrigentum, Selenunte and Himera, and to the rest of the Cities in the Heart of Sicily, desiring aid and assistance for the recovering of their Liberty. These readily answered their Request, and sent them seasonable Supplies, some Regiments of Foot, others Troops of Horse, others Ships furnished with all necessaries for War: Thus in a short time having a considerable Force both of a Fleet at Sea, and an Army by Land, the Siracusians offer'd Battel to the Enemy, both by Sea and Land. But Thrasibulus being forsaken of his Confederates, and having now none to trust unto but his Mercenaries, betook himself only to Acridina, and the Island, and left the rest of the City wholly to the power of the Syracusians. Afterwards he fought with them at Sea, and was beaten, losing many of his Ships, and fled with those that escaped into the Island. Presently after he drew out his Men from Acridina, and joined Battel with them in the Suburbs of the City, where he was again routed, with the loss of many of his Men, and retreated a Second time within his Post in Acridina.

At length being out of all hope to regain his Sovereignty, he sent to the Syracusians, and came to terms of Agreement with them, and so departed into Locros. The Syracusians thus freed from Slavery, suffered the Mercenaries to march away peaceably. They freed likewise the rest of the Cities from such Garrisons as were put upon them, and restored to every place the Democracy. From thenceforth the Syracusians lived in great Peace and Prosperity, and injoy'd a popular Government for the space of Threescore Years, till the Reign of Dionysius. This Thrasibulus receiv'd a well order'd and constituted Kingdom, but basely lost it by his wickedness; and spent the rest of his Days at Locris as a private Man. While these things were done in Sicily, Rome first created Four to be Tribunes of the People, Caius Sicinius, Lucius Numitorius, Marcus Duillius, and Spurius Aquilius.


The Murder of Xerxes by Artabanus.

AT the end of this Year, Lysitheus was made Chief Governor of Athens, and Lucius Valerius Publicola, and Titus Aemilius Mamercus, Consuls of Rome. In their times Artabanus of Hircania, in great esteem with Xerxes, and Captain of his Guard, contriv'd to gain the Kingdom by the Murder of the King. He reveals his Design to Mithridates the Eunuch, one of the King's Chamberlains (whom he most consided in, as being his near Kinsman, and whom he had oblig'd by many instances of his Favour.) Mithridates presently complies with him, and brings Artabanus privately in the Night into the Bed-Chamber, and being entred, without delay murthers the King: And in the heat of the Fact runs to the King's Sons, Two of whom, Darius the Eldest, and Artaxerxes, were then at Court: Hytaspes the Third at that time, was Governor of Bactria. Artabanus in the dead of the Night, hastens to Artaxerxes, and tells him that Darius had murther'd his Father to come to the Crown: And therefore perswades Artaxerxes that he should not slothfully suffer his Brother to settle himself on the Throne,

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books