The Library of History

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Page 252 but revenge his Father's Death, and take upon himself the Sovereignty. For the effecting whereof, he promis'd him to bring in the King's Guards for his Assistance. Artaxerxes was easily persuaded, and with the Assistance of the Guards kills his Brother. Artabanus seeing his Treachery to succeed according to his hearts Desire, now boasts before all his Sons that the time was come for his advancement to the Kingdom, and forthwith came to Artaxerxes with his Sword drawn, and Wounds him. The King not being much hurt, bravely Defends himself, and kills Artabanus upon the place. Having thus not only preserv'd himself, but reveng'd the Murther of his Father, he was established in the Throne of Persia. This was the end of Xerxes after he had reign'd Twenty Years. But his Successor continued Forty Four.


The War between the Athenians and the Aegineans.

THE following Year wherein Archimedes was Archon of Athens, Aulus Virgilius, and Titus Numitius, Roman Consuls; was the first Year of the Seventy Ninth Olympiad, at which Xenophon the Corinthian won the Prize: At this time the Thrasians revolted from the Athenians, through the Differences arising concerning the Mines, but were reduc'd by force to their Obedience. The Aegineans likewise rebell'd, and being subdued, the Athenians besieg'd their City, which was grown proud, not only through their great Successes and Victories at Sea, but their Riches at Land, and having a brave and well furnished Navy, were ever Enemies to the Athenians; who therefore entred the Island with an Army, laid waste the Country, and resolv'd to raze the City Aegina to the Ground: Hereupon now grown great in power, they carried not themselves with that Humanity and Courtesie towards their Confederates as they were used to do, but domineer'd every where with a proud and high Hand. This imperious way of theirs, caus'd many of their Confederates to enter into Consultations for a general Defection, and some particular Places determin'd it of their own accord, without flagging for, or expecting the results of a General Assembly. While these things were acting, the Athenians (being now every where Masters at Sea) sent a Colony of Ten Thousand Men to Amphipolis (chosen partly out of the Citizens, partly from among the Confederates) and divided the Country by Lot: For sometime they kept under the Thrasians that bordered upon them; but when they attempted to proceed further into the heart of the Country, those that enter'd Thrace were wholly cut off by the Edones.


The Egyptians revolt from the Persians. New Troubles in Sicily:

TLepolemus being Governor of Athens, the Roman Consuls were Titus Quintius, and Quintus Arbilius Structus. Artaxerxes now newly come to the Throne of Persia, first put to Death all those that had an Hand in the Murther of his Father, and then setled Affairs so as he thought most conducing to the interest of the Government: For he remov'd those Governors of the Provinces whom he most suspected, and plac'd others whom he most confided in, in their room. He took care to store up all manner of Provisions, and to furnish his Army with all things necessary; and ruling with all Justice and Equity, he grew into high Esteem among the Persians. In the

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books