The Library of History

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Page 256 but were beaten, with the loss of Seventy of their Vessels; so that now they were wholly discouraged and dejected, and therefore were forced to submit themselves to the Athenians. These things were done by Leocrates, the Athenian Admiral, in the space of Nine Months War with the Aeginetes. In the mean time, Deucetius King of Sicily (very Rich, and of a Noble Family) built Menenum, and divided by Lot the adjacent Lands, amongst them of the Colony brought thither. Then he Besieged the Famous City Morgantina, and was highly honour'd by all his Countrymen.


The War between the Corinthians and Megareans.

THE next year Bion was Archon at Athens, and Publius Servilius Structus, and Lutius Aebutius Eliuas, Roman Consuls. During their Government, broke out the War between the Corinthians and Megareans about the Limits of their Country. At the first they made inroads into one anothers Country, and then proceeded with little Skirmishes. At length the difference growing higher and hotter, the Megarians (suspecting their own weakness) made a League with the Athenians, by which means they ballanced their Enemies in Strength and Power. And when the Corinthians sent a considerable Army from Peloponesus against Magera, the Athenians sent Aids to the Magerians under Myromides their General, a very Valiant Man. The Armies presently ingag'd, and great Valour and Obstinacy was shew'd on both sides, insomuch as the Success was very doubtful a long time; till at length the Athenians got the day, with the Slaughter of Multitudes of the Enemy. And a few Days after, the Athenians were Victors in another Battel fought at Cimolia, where they likewise kill'd many. Within a few Days after, a Third Battel was fought.—Here something seems to be wanting in the Greek Copy.

The Phoceans made War against the Doreans, who were originally Lacedemonians, and inhabited Three Cities lying under Mount Parnassus,Cytinium, Boium and Erineus. At the first, the Doreans, (being overcome) lost their Cities to the other. But the Lacedemonians being of the same Blood, afterwards sent them aid under Nicomedes, formerly General of Cleomedes, who led forth an Army of Fifteen Hundred Lacedemonians, and rais'd as many more out of Peloponesus as made up Ten Thousand; with these he march'd to the Defence of the Dores, he being Tutor and Governor of Pleistonactis their King, who was then a Child. Having conquered the Phoceans, and recover'd the Cities, he put an end to the War, upon Articles of Peace between the Two Nations.

When the Athenians understood that the Lacedemonians had made an end of the Phocean War, and were ready to return home, they consulted how to cut them off in their Passage by the way. To this end, having resolv'd upon the attempt, they took to their aid and assistance the Argives and Thessalians, and so making out against them with a Fleet of Fifty Sail, man'd with above Fourteen Thousand Souldiers, they stopt the Passages through Geranea. The Lacedemonians hearing of the Contrivances of the Athenians, turn'd out of the way towards Tanagra in Beotia: But the Athenians march'd swiftly after them, and at length the Two Armies join'd Battel; and although the Thessalians (in the very heat of the Fight) deserted the Athenians, and joyn'd with the Spartans, yet they and the Argives stood manfully to it, and after many were kill'd on both sides, the Night put an end to the Dispute. After this, there being sent much Provision out of Attica to the Athenians, which was understood by the Thessalians, they conceiving this to be now a fit opportunity to do some notable Service, (having refreshed themselves) in the Night marched out to meet the Carriages: And being that the Guard that attended them, never suspected any Design, but admitted the Thessalians as Friends, the Contest grew hot whether should get or lose

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books