The Library of History

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Page 257 all. For the Thessalians (being at first thus admitted) kill'd all they met, and being well prepared, and the other taken at unawares, made a great Slaughter. The Athenians that were encamp'd, hearing of what mischief the Thessalians had done, hasten'd to the Relief of their Countrymen, and fell with great Rage upon the Thessalians, and routed them at the first Charge with a great Slaughter. In the mean time, the Lacedemonians came in to the and of the Thessalians, and both Armies being now drawn up in Battalia, it came to a general Battel, which was fought with great Resolution, and many kill'd on both sides. The issue and event being doubtful, both the one side and the other suspected the loss of the Day; but Night growing on, and the Victory still remaining doubtful, Messengers were dispatch'd one to another, and a Truce at length agreed upon for Four Months.


The War between the Athenians and the Beotians.

THIS Year ended, Mnesitheides was chosen Archon of Athens, and LuciusLucretius, and Titus Viturius Cicurinus were Roman Consuls. In the time of their Governments, the Thebans being brought low by reason of their League with Xerxes, endeavour'd by all the Artifices they could, to regain their former Power and Sovereignty; for being greatly despis'd by all the Beotians who had shaken off their Authority, they apply'd themselves to the Lacedemonians, to assist them in recovering the Government of Beotia: And for this Kindness they promis'd that they would be at all the Charge of the War then begun against them by the Athenians, and that the Spartans should not need to bring any Land-Forces out of Peloponesus.

The Lacedemonians judging it to be much to their advantage, to gratifie the Thebans in their Request, conceiving that if they were thus strengthen'd and supported, they would become a Bulwark against the Athenians, especially the Thebans having at that time a great and well disciplin'd Army at Tanagra, they enlarg'd the Bounds and Circuit of the City of Thebes, and compell'd all the Beotians to the subjection of the Thebans.

The Athenians to obviate the Designs of the Lacedemonians, rais'd a considerable Army, and made Myronides the Son of Callias, General. Having chosen a competent number of the Citizens, he told them the Day wherein he intended to march out of the City. When the Day came, many of the Souldiers (notwithstanding the Command given) did not appear; yet with those he had, he made for Beotia. Some of his Friends and Officers of the Army, persuaded him to stay, till the rest of the Souldiers came up to them. But Myronides being both a Prudent and Valiant Commander, answer'd, That it did not become a General to Loyter, for it was a shrew'd Sign, that they who were slow and dilatory in their March towards their Enemy, would be Cowards in the Fight, and would prefer their own safety before the good of their Country. For they (said he) that readily appear'd at the Day appointed, gave an evident Testimony of their Valour, that they were resolv'd not to shrink in the Day of Battel. Which by the Sequel did appear; for he march'd against the Thebans with an Army far less in number of Men, but much excelling in Prowess and Valour, and by the brave Resolution of his Souldiers, utterly routed the Enemy; which Victory was not inferiour to any that were ever obtain'd by the Athenians in former Times. For neither that at Marathon, nor at Platea against the Persians, nor any other Exploit of the Athenians, did exceed this of Myronides against the Thebans. For the former, some of them were obtain'd against Barbarians, others by the help of their Confederates. But this was gain'd by the Athenians themselves alone, against the most Valiant of the Greeks. For the Beotians were ever accounted for stoutness and hardyness, not inferior to any in Greece; which in after-times was confirm'd; for at Leuctra and Mantinea, the Thebans alone fought both with the Lacedemonians

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books