The Library of History

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Page 259 opposite Shore, which he gain'd at the first Assault, and there plac'd a Colony of the Noblest Families of the Messenians, who had been before (upon Agreement) dismis'd by the Lacedemonians. For about this time in a War against the Messenians and the Helots, the Lacedemonians had reduced most of them to their former Subjection. And them of Ithomea they discharg'd upon Articles of Submission, as is before said: And as for the Helots, those of them that were the Authors and Ringleaders of the Defection, they had put to Death, and made the rest Slaves.

Sosistratus now Pretor of Athens, the Romans chose for Consuls, Publius ValeleriusPublicola, and Caius Clodius Rhegillanus. During their Government, Tolmides continued in Beotia. But the Athenians made Pericles the Son of Xanthes General of a select number of Men, and committed to him Fifty Ships, and a Thousand Souldiers, with a Command to invade Peloponesus. Hereupon he wasted a great part of it, and passed into Acarnania, near the Island Oeniades, and there brought all the Cities to a Submission. So that during this Year, the Athenians gain'd many Cities, and became famous for their Military Discipline, and many glorious Successes in their Wars.


The War in Sicily between the Aegestines and the Lilybeans. The Custom of writing upon an Olive-Leaf the Names of such as were to be banish'd in Sicily, call'd Petalism.

IN this Year Ariston was Chief Magistrate at Athens, and Quintus Fabius Vibulanus and Lucius Cornelius Curetinus, Consuls of Rome. In the time of their Government, a Peace was made between the Athenians and the Peloponesians for Five Years, by the mediation of Cimon the Athenian.

In Sicily a War broke out between the Aegestines and the Lilybeans concerning some Lands near to the River Mazarus: After a sharp Battel fought, and many kill'd on both sides, they began to cool for some time; but after an account of the Citizens was taken in every City, and a new division of the Lands was made by Lot, and that every one was to take his share as it fell, the shares fell so confus'd, that the Cities broke out again into Civil Discords and Dissentions, by which Mischiefs the Syracusians greatly smarted. For one call'd Tyndarides, a rash conceited Fellow, who protecting and feeding many poor People, by that means sought to make a Party to further his Design in obtaining of the Principality: But when it was evident, that he aim'd at the Sovereign power, he was brought to his Trial and condemn'd to dye. And when they were bringing him back to the Goal, he was by the Party he had before prepared, as aforesaid, by Force rescu'd out of the Hands of the Officers. This rais'd a Tumult through the whole City, and caus'd the chief and soberest part of the Citizens to join together against them; who presently apprehended the Innovators, and put them, together with Tyndarides to death. When several Attempts were made of this kind, and many were infected with this itch of Dominion, the Syracusians were at length forc'd after the Example of the Athenians, to make a Law not much differing from that of Ostracism at Athens: For there every Citizen was to write in a Shell the Name of him whom they conceiv'd to be most powerful to possess himself of Sovereignty. So the Syracusians were to write the Name of him who was thought to be most potent upon an Olive-Leaf; and when the Leaves were counted, he whose Name was upon most of the Leaves, was Banish'd for Five Years.

By this means they conceiv'd they should bring down the aspiring Minds of the great ones to some moderation; for they did not hereby intend the punishment of any Crime that was committed, but the prevention of Mischief, by impairing the Estates, and weakning the interest of them that might be ambitious.

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books