The Library of History

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Page 260 That therefore which the Athenians call'd Ostracism, from the nature of the thing, the Syracusians call'd Petalism.

This continu'd long amongst the Athenians, but was abolished within a short time after by the Syracusians, for these Reasons: For when several of the chief and best deserving Men were by this Law banish'd the City, the rest who were beloved by the Citizens, and were Men of great use in the Service of their Country, withdrew themselves from all publick business, and out of fear of the Law, betook themselves to private Lives: But minding thus their own private Concerns, at length they fell into all manner of Profuseness and Luxury. In the mean time, the basest of the Citizens taking upon them the Government, stirr'd up the Common People to Innovations and Disturbances in the Commonwealth; and so all things ran a Second time into Sedition and Confusion, and a continual and mighty Storm of Trouble and Disorder shook the City. For there arose many Ringleaders and Seducers of the People, especially Young Conceited Men, who thought none spoke like themselves, nor no Wisdom like theirs. In Sum, many instead of the Principles of the ancient Justice and Honesty, instill'd nothing into the People, but wicked Notions, both in Manners and Practice. In time of Peace, it was their only business to heap together Riches, but had no regard at all to Amity and Justice amongst Men. The Decree therefore of Petalism, upon more mature Consideration, was repeal'd within a short time after it was put in execution. And thus stood the Affairs of Sicily at this time.


Pericles makes an Inrode into Peloponesus. Besieg'd Scycion. Phaylus in Sicily made Admiral against the Tyrrhenian Pirats; is corrupted and banish'd. The Original of the Palici: And the Stories of the Temple, and Wonders of the Craters in Sicily.

WHen Lysicrates was Governor of Athens, Caius Nausius Rutillius, and LuciusMinutius Augurinus, were celebrated Consuls at Rome. During their times, Pericles the Athenian General made an Inrode into Peloponesus, and wasted the Country of the Scycions. The Scycions march'd out with a great Army against him, and Battel being join'd, Pericles routed them, and kill'd many in the Pursuit, and having driven the rest within the Walls of the City, laid Siege to the Place. But after he had made a valiant Assault, and saw he could not win the Place, in regard the Lacedemonians had sent Aid to the Besieg'd, he withdrew his Army from Scycion, and march'd into Acarnania, there wasting the Country of the Oeniades; and having loaded himself with Booties and Plunder, left Acarnania. After this, he march'd into Chersonesus, and divided the Country by Lot amongst a Thousand Citizens. And in the mean time Tolmides the other General made a Descent into Eubea, and divided the Country of the Naxians amongst another Thousand of the Citizens.

As for Sicily, the Tyrrhenians infesting the Sea with Pyracies, the Syracusians chose one Phaylus to be Admiral of the Fleet, and commanded him to make a Descent upon Tyrhenia. Being furnish'd with a Fleet well provided, upon the first attempt, he wasts the Island of Aethalia; but being corrupted by the Hetruscans with Money, he return'd into Sicily, without doing any thing memorable. But the Syracusians banish'd him for his Treason, and chose another call'd Apelles, and sent him with Threescore Ships against the Tyrrhenians. Upon which he wasts the Sea-coasts of Tyrhenia, and sails to Corsica, then subject to the Hetruscians, and harrased and destroy'd a great part of the Island; and having wholly subdued Aethalia, return'd to Syracuse, with a multitude of Prisoners and much spoil.

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books